E-39B Pictures 3
The cabin top was in bad shape where the exterior handrails were mounted, it leaked real bad. But I knew or found all water damage while surveying the boat. These are just a couple of pictures to show what I put in before I reglassed the overhead. Cost was only a couple of thousand to make all the repairs and it is better than new. It turned out wonderful. But the rotted balsa is why I got the boat for so cheap. Cost was $17,000 for the boat, I have put in 100% new water system (except tank), 100% new sewage system including tank, had to take apart v-berth to put in new tank. New engine, cooling, exhaust, instrument panel, new electrical panel, all new 12v wire and lights, 115 is next, new cushions, new dikinson heater, made a bow roller, new windlass, all new chain rode, new counter tops, made the L-Shape settee 6 inches wider, installed fule tank access plates, and a ton of other things have been done