A little hard to photograph... I remember now that it didn't quite fit under the ledge - had to use an intermediate piece of ABS plastic sheeting to support the evaporator. Then got distracted by phone call and forgot to photograph the compressor unit, down in the sail locker. Note extra "pink" insulation, also on lid. I should cover the rough edge of that with some tape or something. Could even get ambitious and glass it in. The compressor is just on the opposite side of the bulkhead, to the left. Drilling through revealed that there's two inches of existing foam around the box, albeit low-density stuff. But there was none at all on the top. Also plugged the drain tube by installing a PVC valve in the bilge, so the cold air doesn't drain out.

I really should get a photo of the compressor - maybe tomorrow night. It's mounted on the side of the water heater, suspended in the gap between the water heater and the hull. So cool air can be drawn up from the bilges below and hot air vented out above. In theory. If the motor is running might not be all that cool down below there.