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Member II
Can anyone tell me what makes an E28-2? I have seen this designation on PHRF sheets for NE (New England) and LI (Long Island, NY).

Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member
Starduff- I think a E28-2 is the E28+, just a typing error. Ericson made two models as you know. One noticeable difference that I had seen when looking at 28's was a double aft quarter-berth on 28's and a single aft berth on 28+'s. Go on to www.yachtworld.com and view the differences between the two.
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Member II

Thanks for the input. Terrific picture of your boat, by the way. I am not sure about the typo rational. The NE phrf rates an E28-2 at 189. The LI phrf rates both an E28-2 at 198 and an E28+ at 201! I can't swear to it but I think I have seen a rating on the west coast for an E28 at 186/187, which adds to the confusion. There must be a reason for the E28-2 designation, but I can't seem to find out what it is.
This is one of those little puzzles that I am dying to solve.


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
One note about PHRF info:
The rating issuers get their boat designations from reading the forms submitted by the boat owners. Owners often are quite vague about what model of boat they sail...
For more confusion, unless the rating is for a box stock boat, it often reflects a boat that is non-standard in some way -- sail plan, keel changes, and etc.

So, to borrow that bit of dialog from "Pirates of the Caribbean",
These boat model names we read in lists on the 'net be more like... Guidelines than... Rules!


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Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member

Richard- I think it is well documented that there were only two 28's made. The varing phrf's could be related to many things. Additions and subtractions on sail size, furling head sail, prop type, maybe someone had an outboard, larger mast or booms.
In my town there is the guy who is the head of the Lake Michigan phrf system commitee. I had a couple of cups of joe with him throughout the years. We tend to use the general phrf's in the typical races. I don't know too many people that have there boats inspected to establish "it's" phrf. The guy's who have the 198 and 201 shoulds keep there mouths quiet, there stealin!. It looks like 186-189 is the general consenses


Member II

Thanks for clearing the air on this issue. I felt like I was going in circles. And now I will have some clearing up to do myself.
I just bought a 1987, E28 (#651) and pre-listed it at my club as an E28-2 since I had found out it wasn't an E28+. Those were the only designations I had at the time, until I got to see the papers during the transaction (thus the confusion when the papers stated it was an E28).
I found the boat through a listing on Craigs List.com that a club member put me on to. Prior to all this I crewed in races on a freind's boat. Now I can play on my own too!

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