NA Bob Perry used to call this very common interior arrangement for sailboats the "type A design". The shape of the hull does kind of make this juxtaposition a little easier to design. In turn, after decades of boat production, most buyers are familiar with it and accept it as the most livable compromise in a smaller-to-midsize boat.
Our former Niagara 26 had an athwartship head located immediate to the base of the V berth, and we got used to it. It really could have used a curtain for some modesty for a 3 am head call, tho.... !
If you visit aboard an Ericson 32-200 or a late-80's Ericson 34, check out the aft head. Similar layout to our Olson 34, and it does move the head further away from sleeping areas. Well, As If... any part of a sailboat under about 40 or 45 feet is
really very much removed from the other areas!
Since your head has a door, that satisfies the common desire for visual privacy.
"In practice" this is very subjective stuff.
BTW, I have done a multi-day delivery on your Ericson model, and for me and the couple that owned the boat it all worked out fine.
You did not ask, but one other advantage of your interior layout is more 'roominess'. Our aft head configuration pushes the main cabin volume forward some and visually and physically reduces the social & lounging area in the main cabin. We do not miss the additional small amount of elbow room until we visit aboard the Ericson 33 or 32-3 at our moorage.
I predict that you will warm to it.