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Ericson 27. Lake Michigan seaworthy?


Member II
I've been a LONG time admirer of Ericson boats, and am seriously thinking of FINALLY getting myself one.

Probably a 27'. We'll likely use it 95% of the time for day sailing, but would also like to take several overnight trips each season.

I'll probably keep her in Waukegan IL.

One trip I've dreamt of making is up to Door County (Ellison Bay) WI and back.
Seems like there are enough marina's along the way to seek harbor should weather change for the worse, etc.

Another trip I'd love to make is accross the Lake to Michigan. Mostly just to say I did it!

Can anyone here speak to an Ericson 27's seaworthyness on Lake Michigan? I know this great lake can dish out surprises that make my jaw drop sometimes, and imagining myself coming back to port with breaking 6' waves behind me would surely be a divine moment of sorts.

Thanks all.

Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member

Marcus- The 27 is capable of Lake Michigan as long as the boat is prepared as is the Captain and crew are too. I just took my E25 up to Door County from Fish Creek up to Fayette on to Escanaba and all the stops in between including Ellison Bay. I was forced out by a perfect blow into Fayette at 1:30 AM. Winds in the 30's, waves, 6 ish, little to no moon. This is what I had against me. What I had going for me was a properly maintained boat that I had no worries of failures. My girlfriend was prepared and knew what she had to do. I knew exactly what had to be done. The worst part of the whole ordeal was the first 150yds getting out of the harbor straight into the waves. Once I was safely into Bay de Noc and under sail all it turned into then was a night sail slightly down wind with about 40% of my Genoa furled. Five hours later I was in Detroit Harbor on Washington Island finishing my nighty nite. Of course there were many other methodical procedures that I did throughout the nite. The last thing in my mind was the capability of my boat or myself and crew. My point is that you must be prepared and capable as with your boat. The Great Lakes are just mini oceans in the middle of the States. Yes, I do plan to cross Michigan someday. With other boats and the right conditions and the flexibility to return in those exact conditions too. If you ever want to cruise Door County and the UP, let me know. Rob Hessenius
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Sustaining Member
Sea Worthy

Rob's exactly right, it all comes down to PMA, experience, good sails, & good maintenance. Prior to owning my E23 I had a '69 CAL 21, little cork of a boat. We took her everywhere(1,500#,trailered behind a Volvo 142). Many trips to Door Co. and Apostle Islands. One trip we woke up(Apostles) to 35+ winds out of the N.E., it was in the 50's (late Sept.) & drizzling. We decided to go"Outside", headed N.E. for about 2 hrs. in 12'+ seas. Came about, shook out the reefs, hanked on a large jib, and had the RIDE of our Lives!!! Only problem was the headsail change @ the end of the ride, w/ me on the foredeck (tied in of course) I found myself knee deep in water over the bow a few times. We met an "older couple" on that trip (Cal 21 also) that routinely sailed from Holland or Grand Haven & back. My Cal survived a 72mph. blow on my pond, a ride we still talk about. My E23 hasn't been on the BIG as much(no spine tingling stories), twice as much to tow around, but it's been out many times enjoying some 50's on LakeMendota. I'm alone out there quite often! But I do meet up w/ some fellow "Blow Hards" occasionally(other type "T"'s).Lake CHOP is harder on boats than BIG water!

Most Good Quality boats will take care of You, if you take care of Them. The secret is experience, knowing what sail combination works so you're not overpowering the boat (the time to REEF is before you have to) and making sure your rig is sound.
On both boats I replaced & upgraded all the standing rigging, and had plenty of headsails(including storm jib) & multiple reef points on the main(2 on my E23) All cheap insurance. So get out there when you think it's blowing too hard, REEF her down and you'll find, after a bit, that there's not much of a difference between a Gentleman's 10 and a Whoop Ass 40, except for the bumpy ride, that's why they call them "Swells"

I know there are "Bareboat" charters on the Great Lakes that have 25' & 27' boats. They wouldn't be doing it if they didn't have faith in the boats, they usually, and rightfully so (secretly) don't hold their customers in such high regards.

p.s. The 6' breaking waves behind will become "devine" once you figure out what they're up to, it's the 12'+ "long period" swells that grow on you.
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Gary Peterson

Marine Guy
My older brother sailed his 27 from Lake Erie to Isle Royal and beyond.
Any well built and equipped sail boat will keep you safe and Ericsons are at the top of the food chain!!
Sail in some local heavy air with experienced crew to gain experience.
It takes time to learn and to be mentally prepared for bad weather sailing.


Sustaining Member
Isle Royal

That's on my list for 2008, Leave & Return Bayfeild, Wi. I was up there backpacking YEARS AGO and have always had this trip in the "memory bank".
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Rob Hessenius

Inactive Member
Marcus- Back to your question. There are many 27's all around the Great Lakes. These were well built boats that will take care of you. I looked at a couple to buy a few years back. The only reason I did'nt buy one was because I wanted a trailerable boat. If that wasnt the case I could tell you all about 27's, but my only knowledge is crewing on a buddies. There are quite a few posters that have the different versions of the 27' that have gone through all the systems throughout their boats. There is nothing wrong with buying a boat that needs some love. Just make sure your getting a safe boat or one that needs help that you are financially prepared or physically cabable to make a safe, shipshape sailboat. Their is nothing worse than failures at sea. The problem is when the problems starts to multiply. One loose nut and the next thing you know is when you wake up in the ICU a week later and they tell you that your stick came down on you. There is that show called Seconds to Disaster, it kinda breaks down the whole disaster into a timeline. Its wierd how true that is how most things occur.
You will get ten different opinions from here to Tuesday about surveys. I would recemmend one, but if you dont want to at least get a person who knows what to look for. Get some tiller/wheel time in good conditions. Be prepared to sail in the bad times too. Get some night sailing in to, you never know when you will have to. Make sure that you and your crew are comfortable, confident and able to handle hellish conditions.

Knowledge is kinda like driving a 4X4 the first time. You think that you can go anywhere, but you really just get stuck deeper from the road.

Expierence is knowing when to put it in 4 wheel drive and leave the road

Sorry its a really rainy day and I tend to ramble

Rob Hessenius


Member II
Marcus, I have a Ericson 27 1974 on lake Michigan morred in Monroe harbor, My wife and I day sail a few times a week. The boat sail's great on all points of sail and will track if you trim the sail correctly. Like it was said above if you treat her right she will take care of you. I have sailed her in 17+ in 3 to 5 foot waves no problem.

BTW I will be selling her next season if you are interested let me know. Maybe we can arrange for you to can come by a take a look at her before the end of the season.


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Sustaining Member
Pretty "boat", someday, if I ever get bored w/ my 23, and live on BIG water.
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Member I

i've singlehanded the e23 from chicago to mich city, st joe and south haven under everything up to 35 knots, without concern, no problem
i do like the assym for offwind sailing
the e27 should do the same and be more comfy
rich mcn
monroe harbor chicago