Ericson 32-3 makes You Tube!!


Member III
A friend of ours did a video and added it to you tube. If you wanna see a e32-3. You Tube then LIL BIT A SOL on search.. Its cool...

Capt Jeff

Member I
Purdy kewl!
Where and when was this? Funny about the song as I was singing it earlier today while playing my guitfiddle. I would have been out sailing, but decided to strip the varnish off my hatch, coaming as my Teaqua was received today. Nice winds today for sailing!


Member III
Galveston Bay

This You Tube thing was done in Galveston Bay last month. The temp. was 82 and the winds were about 15 with a little gusting. I was in and out of Macdill AFB in the '70's so I am familiar with that nice green Florida water. Someday they will sell that base and make it in to condos just like they did to the old Aquatarium north of St. Pete beach!!