Sustaining Member
I have no plan at the moment to sell my 33RH. It is the perfect size boat for our needs . If there was one challenge I have with this boat is the lack of space ( especially in the engine compartment and under the cockpit) for maintenance tasks . I’m still pretty fit but as I get older, crawling around in a very tight space with my 6’2 frame is not going to get easier . The “boat yoga” requirement is at a pretty high level for my boat
. I’m even wiling to pay a hand , but it’s not easy to find people ( surprised? ) , so I do as much as I can myself . I’m wondering if a slightly larger boat would make much difference? A E38 could be an eventual possibility and it even fits in my current slip . ( there is one across from me ). Maybe all boats are going to be the same in this regard until you move up to one with an engine room ..
I would imagine my question also applies to the 32 vs 38 since my boat seems to have similar interior space as a 32 even though it is a foot longer . The 33RH is fundamentally a different design than the 32 or 38 .
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