Ericson Logo Stickers - eBay


"don't tread on me" member XVXIIIII
I have the Ericson Logo Stickers for sale, on eBay..just do a search...cheers... Richard / Colorado :egrin:

celtic sea

Member III
I've been wondering where I was going to get them, perfect you answered my question! Next month I'll be painting that boot strip, PO painted the hull and just painted it over? The sticker will top it off. I'll be ordering two at the end of this week.
John E35-2
#413 "DIJAN"
Cape May, NJ


Member III
logo stickers

Hello. I am in need of the Ericson logo stickers. I saw yours on Ebay. My question is this. My Ericson has a white field between the rub rail and the cove strip. My existing stickers are outlined in black, so the logo stands out instead of white sticker on white background. I cannot tell by the Ebay photo if this is true of your stickers. Please advise as I do want to replace them.
