Ericson Northwest Next Event

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Hey Stan -

When and where is the next event for Ericson Northwest?

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
That's the schedule from last year ... is everyone still going over to Gig Harbor?

Tom Plummer

Member III
According to the NWEricson site their next event is April 28-29 at Pt. Orchard. They have this to say about it. Plan on great sailing weather Plan on seeing good friends Plan on tieing up to a dock Plan on having electric
And plan on eating dinner out

Which all sound like good plans to me. I am planning to go.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Excellent! I'll try to make it over for this one!

I'll be up at Shilshole for April having a new dodger fitted - HOWEVER - I should be done by then, and on my way back down the sound - so Port Orchard is perfect!

Look forward to seeing everyone there!
