No affiliation, just found this on craigslist and thought a few on here would be interested.
Feathering Sailboat Propeller 14" MAX PROP 3 Blade - boat parts - by owner - marine sale - craigslist
Max Prop 14" 3 Blade feathering Sailboat Propeller. Goes on a 1" shaft. Sailboat Wrecking Yard Open Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 1-6pm

Feathering Sailboat Propeller 14" MAX PROP 3 Blade - boat parts - by owner - marine sale - craigslist
Max Prop 14" 3 Blade feathering Sailboat Propeller. Goes on a 1" shaft. Sailboat Wrecking Yard Open Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 1-6pm