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From down south in Nicaragua...


Member II

I am sure glad to be back as part of the Ericson group after a long while off trying to get the email and web things back up and running. Things move a little slow (very) here in San Juan del Sur.

If you don't know me let me introduce my self and my good wife Renda.

We retired from Waxahachie Texas to Nicaragua, (see) our pictures at some 4 1/2 years ago. What a life we live, first built a condo that we lived in while we built our Hotel above the beach, .

We have been operating the hotel one year this month and WOW what a experance... we came here to NOT work so much. But fun we have, our first week of visting here Renda used the words "No Bad Days"... and let me tell you even one that is close is much better than one of the best you can have in the USA during our work-a-day life up there.

I have been sailing for 55 years and still am going at it strong.
We sailed a Ericson 32-3 in the Dallas area for years before coming south and I looked and looked for a sailboat to have down here, my goal was to start a "Sea Scout" (ship/group) of local young people.

As I grew up in Sea Scouts in the early 50's on the mighty Columbia river sailing out of Vancouver Wash. and then started and Skippered a ship east of Dallas in mid 70's when my Kids (4) were teenagers I saw an oppurtunity to give back to the area here in Nica.

A long story of how we were able to buy "Auquamarine" (soon to be "NO Bad Days")... Chris and Beth Boles from San Dieago Ca. (that we had sailed with years before while on a vacation)
Had rigged her for open ended cruising and 2 1/2 years later showed up in our harbor.Their dauaghter that was growing fast needed more room and so did they, after a short sickness of Chris they emailed me and ask if I knew anyone in Central America that might want to buy their boat as they had been offered a 42 footer that they could swing if they could sell the Ericson.
Renda says go for it, (that's why I call her "good wife"). A couple of my friends (sailors) and I went to the Costa Rica Yacht Club (where the boat was) and stayed over night on board and then sailed her back to San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. One of the best times ever, 3 1/2 days up with the wind blowing 18-35 (windy season - Feburay). She was so much like our 32 it did not take much learning the boat sailing. But what were all the other (electronic) stuff that had come along since I had done any off shore work (1976). By using the chart plotter and reversing their trip down from my harbor to Costa Rica it was a easy sail except for some times at night with the long liners (fishing boats) that set their poles with black flags and NO lights, and of course there are NO shore lights to be seen for miles along this coast line.
Well enough about all that maybe some day you can read it in my book... if I want to work that hard.

The BIG problem is getting the boat registered in Nicarauga... they keep changeing the rules and the department heads that we have to work with.
Since May of 2006 (when the US documentions ran out) till now it is still doing the paper work suffle of Nicaragua a country that prosonifies Bureaucracy at it's Best.

As far as the Kids for the group, they are so wonderful 6 young ladies & and 9 super Guys, 14-19 was the age and they have to be in school (no drop outs) and lots of other rules too. This is a very poor area where the average income per family is less than $1,200. US per year. What is happening with these young folks you would NOT belive. I have 2 other (retired) adult leaders trying to help as they can.
More about all this at a later date.

Needless to say we could use any help in any way for this group, if intrested or would like to find out more please email me direct, Sea Scouts. Any support as a group or individuals is welcome.

This is a project of Love for Kids and Sailing, giving back as others have helped me over the years.

We could not have a better boat for what we are doing with it, long float the Ericsons.

Ralph Hewitt

"No Bad Days"

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Hi Ralph,
So nice to "see" you here on line again.
I still remember our good conversation and the afternoon sail on the Columbia River in Portland when you were here several years ago. Met your brother and had a great lunch at a brew pub on the water.

After looking at all your pics of your beautiful new home, I hope to visit someday -- just do not know when...
I just need to get Kathy to retire, and that's still a few years off.

Best wishes,
Loren in PDX


Member III
Congrats on your "life changes", we retired last year only to Baja, Mx. I fully appreciate what you are doing.:)