Good luck to Marina Del Rey area folks

billie williams

Member II
I’m so sorry to hear this - both Peter and I extend our sympathy and also offers for help should you need it. ~Billie and Pete and Little Ragtime.


Member III
Thanks for all the notes. Boats are fine, our house of 35 years is gone, along with those of all neighbors. We're now in a Santa Monica hotel.. We are all much like Maui fire, no possessions, but all options open. This is a natural disaster of biblical proportions, unimaginable really, and there is no sense of being singled out.
tanti abbracci da Italia


E27 Roxanne
The solution to Southern Californias problem. There should be one at every home and in the mountains in fire prone areas. Familiar with these Wells I searched for information to share and luckily found the info written by an acquaintance of mine who has the best blog ever on Venice.