Hey all of you E owners! I sail out of Sodus Point, Lake Ontario, NY.
Looking for other E owners for get togethers, rendez-vous, raft-ups, or
destination cruising. Anybody interested? Let's get together. See ya! JM.
I will try to promote the E site as much as I can. Probably by printing a couple of copies of the home page. I believe that it is a GREAT site, very well constructed also. Keep up the good work! Thanks. JM.
I responded to your last e-mail, but I never received a reply!!! How are you doing? How is your new E35? Please respond, as I will search my databases to find my original reply to your contact!
Thanks and talk to you soon. JM.
Hull #123.
Things are very well, thanks. I just arranged for ten days off at the end of this month - for a week's cruise up to the San Juans and the Canadian Gulf Islands!