Halyard sheave bearing material

Mike Brockman

Ericson 41
I am finally getting to rebuilding and stripping the mast down for repainting. My E41 has external halyards and a couple of large sheaves at the top of the mast. I need to clean up the sheaves but the bearings are a little worn and need to be replaced. Anyone know what the material is for the bearings? IMG_5035.jpegIMG_5036.jpeg


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Looks like "phenolic". Was quite common on sailboat (and aircraft) sheaves through the 60s.


If it were me, I wouldn't replace the bearings, I'd replace the sheaves. A huge +1 to Loren's suggestion about zephyrwerks


Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
I just placed my order today with Ed at Zephyrwerks for all the boom and mast sheaves. I also asked him to make a new bow roller since the bronze one currently on the boat doesn't roll unless the thru bolt is really loose. Ed is extremely easy to work with and the product he creates is top notch.

Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
From the Google AI gods....

AI Overview

Micarta is a brand name for a specific type of composite material, while "phenolic" is a broader term referring to a family of thermosetting resins, with Micarta being a common example of a phenolic laminate. Micarta is made by laminating fabric (like linen, canvas, or paper) with phenolic resin, and is known for its durability and grip, making it a popular choice for knife handles and other applications.

Here's a more detailed breakdown:
  • What it is: A brand name for a composite material made by laminating fabric (linen, canvas, paper, etc.) with phenolic resin under heat and pressure.

  • History: Developed by George Westinghouse in the early 1900s.

    • Uses: Knife handles, electrical insulators, printed circuit boards, and more.
    • What it is: A family of thermosetting resins, a class of plastics that harden when heated.
    • How it's made: Fabric or paper is impregnated with phenolic resin, then cured under heat and pressure.
    • Micarta as a Phenolic: Micarta is a type of phenolic laminate, but the term "phenolic" encompasses a wider range of materials.
    • Uses: Electrical insulators, printed circuit boards, gears, and more.


Sustaining Member
Glad someone mentioned Zephyrwerks. Nothing but a positive experience with them. I love that there are still smaller niche shops like theirs around to send work to and get great results.