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I am thinhing about buying a 32'


New Member
Is this a costal cruiser only or do people do serious offshore extended crusing in them. I am looking at a 1973 at the moment.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Your questions raise other questions...

If you are concerned with strength or seaworthiness, remember that some of most hazardous boating you can do is when you are near the dangers of the coast. (There are a lot less things to run into out beyond 50 miles.)

The biggest difference I see when comparing coastal hops to extended offshore sailing is the need to be more self-sufficient in repair capabilities, and have a boat more designed for day-to-day living in a rolling seaway. I mean places to hang on, sleep securely, cook, etc.

I know many modern production boats, even Hun__rs and Cat___nas that are just fine for an overniter off the coast... the fact that there is almost no secure place to sleep or any handholds is bearable for 48 hours in calm summer weather. I even know of one large Hun__r delivered down the West coast to SoCal, where the crew had to all sleep on the cabin sole because there was no other place to rest.
The Ericson 32-2 was designed better for continous days at sea, IMHO.

Many owners of E-32-2 models lurk on this site, and you can find them listed in the owners section with e-mail addresses. I believe that the boats are wholesomely designed and the biggest issue is to be sure that your prticular boat has been maintained and upgraded as befits any 25 or 30 year old boat.
Where are you going to home port the boat? Where are you going?

Fair winds,


Sustaining Partner
32 for offshore

The 32 is a pretty good offshore boat, and many people have headed down to Mexico and/or the South Pacific, so they can do the job.

Weak areas are the mast support area under the deck, chainplates, and cockpit drainage being marginal for heavy offshore work. All of these are eaaily rectified.

In terms of sailing, the 32 is not at her best in heavy air upwind-her underbody is not terribly deep, the rudder is a tad small, and while the freeboard is not excessive, she does get blown around a little.

HAving said this, with the right sail combination, she won't let you down-just make sure you have the right sails to get you off a lee shore in a blow!!

Otherwise she is a good value for a "pocket" cruiser.

Feel free to contact me for more input!
