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In Which Nothing Happens on an Ericson 38


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Looks like 18 minutes of heaven, to me.

(I was going to put on my inner film-critic.... "why does he go to the bow? what's his motivation? what's he searching for?..." but mostly I just came away with a strong urge to go sailing.)

Thanks for sharing.


Sustaining Member
Ah Yes!

10" of white stuff on the ground and 2 degrees F last night. Nice to go for a sail.


Sustaining Member
Leave the driving to them

10" of white stuff on the ground and 2 degrees F last night. Nice to go for a sail.

My lake Champlain excursion today came courtesy or the Grand Isle ferry. Skiing was good at Whiteface though.


Member III
Types of slow TV I have view over the past year: a narrowboat doing the canals in England, reindeer attached to a sleigh in Norway, a bus ride going somewhere less memorable, a fire burning yule logs in the hearth, and this... NW swell at 2' and 17 seconds. Could have watched for hours and hours...

And probably will...