Looking for E-34 or E-38 in New England

Looking to purchase an Ericson 34 or 38, years 1986 or newer in New England.

We owned a 34 for 22 years, then sold it for a Cambria 44 to spend 8 years in the Caribbean. Now back in Maine, am selling that boat and looking to return to our roots.


Sustaining Member
Small world, I just spoke with Kathy and discovered you had already connected. Good Luck, I think Periwinkle is a great find.
Small world, I just spoke with Kathy and discovered you had already connected. Good Luck, I think Periwinkle is a great find.
Thank you. We had looked at a disappointing 34 near Bristol RI a few weeks ago.

Some good friends from the Caribbean who line in Newburyport connected us with Kathy.


Sustaining Member
No mattre which Ericson you purchase, come and join our monthly zoom call, postponed for Thanksgiving this month.