Man Overboard Pole Mounts


Contributing Partner
I have the pole, want to mount it but with my bimini a backstay mount is not practical. Would like to mount on stern pulpit along strbd side next to horseshoe bouy but am not finding the brackets. Anyone have a solution to this? Boat is an E-38.
MOB Pole


I have some experience with MOB, and I think that there are myriad other options available today that preclude the use of yesterday's technology.

Maybe the most popular MOB package is the ubiquitous Life Sling. West Marine owns the company, or did the last time I checked. However, a Life Sling requires that the sailboat douse sails and motor back to the victim and then, when and if the victim is found, circle the victim a few times to bring the rescue package to the victim. That takes a great deal of time. More to the point, how can you rescue someone you cannot see? If the MOB emergency happens at night and unless the victim is wearing a water activated light, it probably won't occur.

I carry a MOM on my boat. I do so because the package inflates within two seconds, carries a 6-foot pylon with a water activated light, a horseshoe that inflates and gives, I think, more than 30 pounds of positive buoyancy, and both are attached to a drogue, that keeps the whole thing from blowing away. A MOM is not cheap, but it is very effective, and I think it's the best device on the market.

Strangely, I had a guy fall off my boat in a race one time. I didn't activate the MOM (don't know why). I simply turned around and sailed back and recovered him completely under sail. Better yet, it only took 45 seconds, and we won the race.

Morgan Stinemetz
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Contributing Partner
Yeah MOM is great if you dont mind spending $900. I agree its the ideal system and best on the market, but overkill for the once or twice a year we go offshore. Its also one of those devices that has to be repacked and recertified. How much does that cost? I dont own a liferaft because the recert costs are more than 50% of the replacement value, make more sense to rent. I'm also not generally a fan of all this inflating safety gear as I have seen them punctured and useless. On the Bermuda race last year I saw a crew member tear a hole in his fancy Spinlock Deck vest, useless device with a hole...I suppose i will end up fabricating a mount myself unless I can find an off the shelf version that works well. Thanks for the suggestions though.

It is, of course, your call. However, please consider adding a strobe to your horseshoe and pole package. When the material goes into the water, it gives both victim and crew a common point of reference, and that's critical in every MOB case. Good luck.

Morgan Stinemetz


Contributing Partner
Yeah I got the strobe and horsehoe and a lifesling. I agree with you on the lifesling. On my fathers boat, a yawl, we were able to use the mizzen shrouds for the pole mount. May end up mounting it horizontal with the lifelines.


Member III
Pole Mount

Back to your original question, Ted, the attached photos show the most common solution I have seen. PVC pipe with end cap (drilled for drainage) held on to the stern rail or stanchion with hose claps. A Sunbrella sock protects from accidental deployment and the flag from UV damage.

My E381 had this mount on the backstay, but the pole was in such bad shape I removed the whole rig. I would send the pipe but have no idea where it is now.

Sorry for the poor orientation of the first photo.


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