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need help identifying an ericson

admirals barge

Member III
hi all
i have looked at pictures of the 31c. the boat i saw looks like the 31c except it had a stay sail and a bow sprit. i have a chance to purchase this boat but i don't know which model it is. presently its too far away to look at, but i would like some pictures to show my wife. my neighbor at the marina had an identical boat but unfortunately they have gone cruising.


Martin King

Sustaining Member
Blogs Author
Hi Greg,
Most likely the boat is a cutter rigged Independence 31. This
boat is the same hull as the 31 C but with some different
options like opening ports, modified interior etc. You should
talk to Glyn Judson who is extremely knowledgable about this
particular design and it's history. (Glyn is a moderator here)

Martin King

Glyn Judson


Greg, The boat you're probably looking at is an Ericson Independence 31 cutter. These boats were built at the original owners option as either sloops or cutters and the first 24 hulls had only three built as cutters whereas hulls 25 through hull 74, only seven were sloops. They are lovely, sea kindly, safe boats that will catch looks where ever they go. The interiors changed from the original mahogany to teak around hull #22 with the interior layout changing at the same time that expanded the stowage space above and below. Please contact me directly at or by phone at (Home) 310.453.1892 (Cell) 310.804.9198 for more information on these boats, and probably that boat specifically. I offer a 100+ page owners' packet to each new owner which includes a nine page Owners' List describing each boat found (69 of them) in detail and a seven page list of improvements and fixes that I call Tiny Tips. In addition, I include Xerox copies of old brochures and press releases of the period. There were a total of 73 hulls built (hull #13 was skipped) from 1977 to 1982. There is no charge for any of the above, never has, never will be. Glyn Judson


Junior Member
well while we are identifying ericson's... I am about to purchase what the owner tells me is a 27 footer. I am not so sure..
is there a way to figure it out by just loking where would I find the hull #
what years were the 26 and 27's made. I do know it originaly had an atomic 4 engine...long since gone
the cockpit configuration is that of a tiller, the tiller pedatal is still there,but there is not a wheel.