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Need springs for small pawl on Barient 21


Member II
Hello, Mates. I'm in the process of servicing the winches on my '87 Ericson 38-200. There are three cabin-top winches that are Barient 21s (ST 2-speed). The 21s have two different size pawls and thus two different size pawl springs. See the attached photo. The standard replacement pawl springs that are easily available work just fine for the larger pawls --- but those springs are too big for the smaller pawls. Anyone have a good resource where I can get the replacement springs for the smaller pawls on the Barient 21? Thanks for your assistance.


  • Barient.21.small.pawls.jpg
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E35-3 - New Jersey
That is very odd. I have a couple Barient 21s I cleaned and serviced this winter and I don't recall the pawls being different sizes. I used the same size replacement springs for each pawl. Doesn't show different sizes or part numbers in the Barient 21 service manuals either. Have you ever serviced these before? If you're not the original owner, I'm wondering if the previous owner made some sort of modification.


Member II
I've owned Valhalla for about 4 years and this is the first time I've serviced the winches. I doubt that any modifications have been made --- all the parts fit very nicely and snuggly together --- and the winch was in good working condition.


E35-3 - New Jersey
I've owned Valhalla for about 4 years and this is the first time I've serviced the winches. I doubt that any modifications have been made --- all the parts fit very nicely and snuggly together --- and the winch was in good working condition.
Interesting. Sorry I can't help you find a smaller spring, but if one is out there, good chance someone here will know. Good luck.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Some guidance on the kits here:



Member II
Thanks, Dave. I looked into that option. I purchased some of those pawl replacement springs, and they fit great for my Barient 32 and 24 winches, and also fit for the "larger" pawl in the Barient 21. But they are too big for the smaller pawl in the Barient 21. I spoke to a technician at Lewmar this morning and he said that the parts list/diagram for the Barient 21 only show one size of pawl and one size of pawl spring for the Barient 21 --- but this is wrong, at least as far as my winch goes. I'm hoping that the Austrailian company will have helpful info.

G Kiba

Sustaining Member
You might want to take an old spring to a local spring company. They can measure it and get you something close. It's possible they can even make one for you. If you have a good pair of calipers you can make measurements and try a site like Mcmaster-Carr or even a spring manufacture like Lee Spring. Buying something close will be the least expensive.


Sustaining Member
Here are the Barient winch diagrams:

Note that there are two versions of the Barient 21 winch. The pawl and pawl springs (4 ea) for the 21 are P/N B-00330 and B-00209. The pawl and pawl springs (4 ea) for the new 21 are P/N 01-400 and 01-300.
Both versions have only one pawl and one spring P/N.

I've researched the original and new versions of the winches I have (18 and 23ST) and the samer 8/10 models and each version of each size shares the same pawl/spring P/Ns listed above.

For springs and pawls, I've thought that if you could find a used small Barient 8/10 single speed cheap enough that it would be worth it for the parts. The hard part is knowing from appearance or dimensions which version is which.



Member II
I spoke to a Lewmar technician yesterday morning who had the Barient 21 service/parts manual. The tech advised that the manual shows only one size of pawl and pawl spring for the Barient 21. This is plainly WRONG, as I have the actual parts in hand --- at least for my Barient 21, there are two different size pawls and two different size pawl springs.

On a more positive note, I received an email reply yesterday afternoon from Allen Hutton (Hutton Winches in Austrailia -- see Christian's note above) and he advised that the smaller size pawl springs for the Barient 21 are part # 00215 and are available for $2.50 each. I've placed the order and am keeping my fingers crossed that this works out well.


Member II
UPDATE: I'm pleased to report that I recently received the springs for the small pawls on my Barient 21 that I ordered from Hutton Winches/Australian Yacht Winch. The springs were the correct size and the freshly cleaned, oiled and greased Barient 21 is back in service. I did have to make one minor/easy adjustment to the springs --- one of the "legs" (whatever they are called) of the spring was too long and needed to be snipped off a bit. So, thumb's up to Hutton Winches in Australia!

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Am I correct in recalling that the Barient 21 has two sizes of spring, and the small spring is hard to find?

West Marine carries the standard springs, which I have successfully used on Barients (not the replacement pawls, just the springs). I read somewhere that "all" winches use the same springs, for what that citation is worth.


Member II
Yes, that is correct. There are two sets of pawls in the ST Barient 21. One set of pawls takes the "standard" size spring that is readily available from multiple sources. But the 2nd set of pawls is smaller and requires a smaller spring. The only place I could find the smaller spring was from Hutton Winches in Austrailia. Yes, in trying to track down a source for the smaller pawl spring, I read several articles which say that Barient winches had only ONE size pawl spring --- and a technician at Lewmar told me the same thing. That is just NOT true -- at least as applied to the ST Barient 21 winch on my '87 Ericson 38-200.
I am in the exact same situation!
Just left my marine store and they couldn’t find a second smaller spring.
Guess I’m off to Australia!