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New E26 owner here:)

Tore the cockpit drains out now...

Thanks on the rudder info!

So so we got all the thru hull plastic crap off the back today. And we went ahead and ripped out the cockpit drains too... I had ordered the Marelon mushrooms and I hate the look. I can't find anything close to the original. So now it's SS or Bronze unless someone has a Marlone part number. Also has anyone tried the 45* cockpit scupper drains? I'm ordering new over night in the am. All input welcome.

We also have found that the bilge hose was badly kinked probably it's whole life. So now it's the drains, cockpit drains, hoses and bilge drains and hoses. Fun fun! We have 7 days left to get the top side wheeled. The drains in and bottom paint on. And the motor hoses and filters. Top side will be wheeled and finished by noon tomorrow. Boxes of parts for the motor come Wednesday and the thru hills come Wednesday if I order in the am. Have a good day!

I put a wheel and rubbing compound and a cleaner wax in her for the last two days and she bounce back very nice.
Marelon it is...

Went ahead and used the Marelon drains and thru hulls no bonding to deal with. Also replaced a ton of gaskets, hoses and seals on the motor. That damn Exhaust hose was not fun my uncle is like a snake and gets to the hard to reach places. Motor sounds great! Bottom paint is next and then I drop her off at the marina and they step and splash her. 10 day restoration and its looks damn good!
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Look for a T handle to pull near your engine control panel - I hope you see this before too long.[/QUOTE

if it's the same T handle as the fuel pump switch I have it. It turns the pump on and allowed me to start the motor when it's pulled out. Push it in and it won't let me start the motor. But when the motor is started and I push it in she keep on running...


Sustaining Member
Look for a T handle to pull near your engine control panel - I hope you see this before too long.[/QUOTE

if it's the same T handle as the fuel pump switch I have it. It turns the pump on and allowed me to start the motor when it's pulled out. Push it in and it won't let me start the motor. But when the motor is started and I push it in she keep on running...

Some need the throttle pulled down past minimum, pull throttle all the way back and hold it.
Motor shut down!

So my I believe i have found the shut off! Could it be the choke? Maybe is not stock and it screws out. I can push a red lever and pull it. When I pull it out the motor cuts off. Fired right back up! Bottom paint is on and halyards will be here in the am. We drop her off at the marina later this week to be stepped and splashed! I'll post pics. I have a lot on my I phone 6 but I can't post?

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Just to beat this to death, since you are a new owner, the engine will cost more to replace than the boat. A sound understanding of procedures prevents accidental catastrophic damage.

Electrical and cooling issues are part of the game, even though the diesels are very reliable.

Most of us have a manual on board, and have memorized it, and carry spare impellers, belts, gaskets, zincs, oil, trans fluid, oil absorbers and so on.

If you're a diesel mechanic, I apologize:).
I'm a fair mechanic and I drive diesels. First diesel boat with a heat exchanger etc. we just replaced the impeller and did a bunch of gaskets, new tail pipe hose etc. I have the manual you suggested and will go over it again. You input is welcome.


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
Once you get the shut-off figured out, it may be prudent to use a label maker or even get an engraved sign to attach nearby.
Whenever I've worked with a crew around large powered equipment, one of the things on the safety check list was to make sure everyone knew where the shut-off was located and how to activate it.

Plus, we've got a few pieces of old, rarely used equipment around the farm that always create frustration by having reversed logic in the fuel shut-off. Typically left with enough battery reserve for one (1) starting attempt. :rolleyes:
I agree on all fronts. The shut off and label etc. it's kind of weird oh it's set up. My choke spins out and then there is red button you push to either push in and shut off the choke or you can push it in and pull the handle to shut her down.

I'm pretty confident in our motor work as we did a bit. We did the impeller the seals inside the Oberdorfer water pump and gasket to the block. We replaced the thermostat and gasket. We did the exhaust manifold gasket and a new belt. The hose on top of the Tstat. Also all exhaust hoses ugh those sucked. Gaskets on the heat exchanger new cooling line hoses. New fuel line hoses for the injectors. I have the zink and an extra but I'll ask my Marina to do that with the oil change as it seems a bit coroded and I'll let them break that. :rolleyes: I put on all new Marlone cockpit drains and thru transom mushrooms for the drains and bilge. We eliminated the 90 and used a new drain that was straight and just crossed the new drain hoses. We also did blower hose and new switches for the blower and fuel pump. I have been over the boat 4 times now with the wheel with a few different cuts and cleaner wax and now sealer. Bottom paint in a burgundy Cukote Sea Hawk. New batteries. New whale gusher 10 manual bilge pump.

The mast-at the Marina-- all new standing rigging and led anchor light. New whip VHF. New halyards, boom and pole topping lift and new shackles. All new wires and toggles. All new shivs from Rigright. New harken MkIII roller furling and halyard restrainers

Interior--- Custon Colorsdo flag logo interior cushions. Scrubbed Teak and in process of oiling. New head was installed prior to my purchase but never used.

new name... Vaquita hoping to get my painter here this week before I drop her off at the marina. My mast is already there:)

we have about 120 man hours in to the refit so far..My uncle did the Marlone and most of the motor work while I was on scaffolding on the polishing wheel. My mother and wife did and amazing job cleaning the teak and are in process of oiling it. Like I said I am not putting the mast together I am having my marina do the mast and and oil change step and splash it.

We busted she's it out in 10 days. I have a few small things and I didn't do the interior either. I am happy to answer any questions about the job. I will try to get the pictures uploaded ASAP.
OK, then I do apologize.


Please no appology. I'm interested in all info. I am working on my "kit" if you will. Impeller, gaskets, water pump when I find a deal, I have my zincs, I have sheets of gasket material, spare belt and filters, I'm on and inland lake so I don't need a ton of stuff. I can always call for a tow. But we do plan to take her to the big water one day so I want to do it all right the first time. I got her and the trailer for next to nothing and I only have parts, a plane ticket and beer and time in to it so far. Lots of help from my uncle on the hill and my cousin is an amazing uphouslstry guy. I'll gt pics up soon. I tried to get a profile up of the boat tonight.
That looks nice! I have a friend who is an airbrush guy and he's free. So I might go that way. I'm not sure just yet. I just want to splash it.

So we dug deeper in to what I have for a sails... We have what looks to be the original Ericson Main sail and then we have realized we have a Main for a Catalina 25 and a Genoa for a Catalina 25 the Luff on my Ericson main measures 29' as does the Catalina 25 135% Genoa. Then I have this smaller main for a Catalina 25... Not sure what to do with it. Might be able to run it in big wind... So my question is does anyone have a good lift they like that's reasonably priced? Not sure how well she will do what I have but il give it a shot. At least I have a decent main. Or if anyone has any sail for sale please let me know. I'm hopefull what I have will get me through this summer and I can order new sails over the winter.