New kid in town


Member II

I've just bought a 1979 Ericson 35-2 called Spartan in Vancouver. Looking forward to mining this forum for all the wisdom on E35s it must have accumulated over the years :)

If you see me in an anchorage, do not hesitate to come and say hello. Despite having a cool Russian accent, I'm actually rather friendly (on most days), and often carry cold beer in the icebox :D


Rick R.

Contributing Partner
Welcome to the madhouse Alex

You came to right place for information on your boat.

Now, about that cold beer:rolleyes:

Lucky Dog

Member III

Best site on the web. I refer to it as the brotherhood. I have E35II as well and read every thread that had anything to do with this model. I took a long time. But when it came to seeing the boat that I purchased, I knew exactly what to look for.

if you have A4, many of us are over a also.




Member I

Welcome to the forum. The knowledgeable folks here have saved me money, time and frustration many times during the last year or so. Friendly and sometimes very funny they really help keep me keep my spirits up. You found the right place, Welcome.

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC

Coincidentally, there is an Ericson Rendezvous this weekend, June 27 - 29th, at Maple Bay Marina on Vancouver island with about 22 Ericson boats signed up to attend. If you could arrange to attend you would see lots of different Ericsons, have a chance to see modifications and talk with other Ericson owners from the Pacific Northwest. It's a fun weekend and a good opportunity to learn lots and make contacts with other owners in the area. The only arrangements needed are a phone call to the marina to make a reservation and if you look on this site Forums under the BC/Northwest section, you'll see lots of information about the rendezvous and you could let the organizers know you're coming, though that isn't essential.

If you can't make it with your boat, people have come via car in previous years, so that's also an option.
