Nov. 22: Thanks to All

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Sincere Thanks to all of the contributors and moderators for another year of sharing information.

{From an on-line Dictionary}
Pronunciation: "käm-'rä-d(&-)rE, "kam-, "kä-m&-, "ka-, -'ra-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from camarade comrade
Date: 1840 : a spirit of friendly good-fellowship
Thanks to ALL of you for this continuing collection of help, how-to advice, personal narratives, and enthusiam for your Ericsons and Olsons.

I check in almost every day, and never fail to appreciate the warmth and good humor of this diverse group of boaters. We are many latitudes and longitudes apart on the charts, but close in friendship and camaraderie.

Again, Thanks!

Loren in cold (but sunny today) Portland Oregon
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Kim Schoedel

Member III
Back to ya!

Hi Loren,

I haven't visited the Jeers and Cheers section for a long time and just noticed your kind words. It is people like you and others that spend a bunch of time keeping up with this great site that should be thanked. So, back to you Loren, thank you very much.


Member III
:egrin:Even though we are no longer boat owners, we stay here due to the comeraderie formed throughout the years. Wish we could still be sailing, but :cheers:to all of you who still can.:xmas_sant. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all.....


Member III
Thanks to all

Loren, Sean etc. all the regulars thanks for all your help and support, this board is so informative because of all the input and shared experiences, and the quality of service. Guy, Seth, Kim, Martin and too many others to name provide years of experiences that they are nice enough to share.
When I'm down at the pier talking to fellow sailors about our next projects I sometimes wonder how everyone else gets along with out a resource like this.
Happy Holidays and thanks for putting up with some of us that might not have the experience, but sure appreicate the input, stories and ideas that everyone on here provides.