I will be doing my own bottom job once the weather agrees. It is my first time doing this, so I read your posts with some interest. It sounds like people have little hesitiation with changing brands - types of paint, but my research shows this to be a major pain, with the recomendation by the manufacturer to sand down to the gel coat, or use a tie coat primer, which limits the type of paint one can use. Many people seem to suggest that if you sand down to the gel coat then you probably have abraded the bottom to the point that one should proceed with the application of a new barrier coat first. Am I correct here?
My own boat has flaking paint and a rough surface, and I am guessing by the look and feel that it had an ablative paint when in a slip, then a hard paint put over which didn't hold well. I would really like to sand down and do a VC-17 over a new barrier, but that seems like a lot of work compared to just sanding smooth and aplying a tie coat primer and apropriate paint over this. Which would seem much faster and cheaper. My E25 was aquired this fall and part of the consideration here is that I will need to jack the trailer up, support boat, etc, i.e., mucho labor. Any ideas? Thanks, Chris