Edson wheel
Edson was quite helpful, though they sent me a spec sheet designated "Ericson 30+" that turned out to have a chain and wire system for an external (behind the transom) rudder, versus the radial drive that I have. It's strange in that the 2002 Edson catalog (which they also sent) describes the radial drive (basically a wire that's attached to a round disk that's at the top of the rudder post) as "new", but my radial drive was original equipment on an '86.
Anyway, when I crawled into the space - that barely fit myself and my sweat - I saw that the cable looked pretty good and didn't have much play, but that a rigid plastic covered engine control cable was resting inside of one of the pulleys. I moved the cable to the side and the steering seems to be okay now. I'll just lube the cable (Edson recommends 30 weight motor oil) next time I feel like climbing into the crypt.
The thing that has me scratching my head is that the disk for the radial drive is near the ceiling of the crawl space, so if I had to tighten the cable or, Heaven forbid, replace it, I'd have about 3-5" of clearance to work in. Moreover, I can't crawl right next to the drive, so I'd be stretching my arms toward the disk. I wouldn't really be able to see the two clamps with bolts that clamp down on either ends of the cable.
My hope (fervent prayer, really) is that the two aft lockers (behind the wheel) have a removable floor. If that's the case, then I think that I'll be able to see right over the drive and any repair to the cable would be, dare I say it, relatively easy. If not, I don't even want to think about it.
Thanks for your reply.
- Rob