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PNW Ericson Rendezvous reservation info

Brass Dragon

Member II
Hi All
I just talked to my contact at Cap Sante Marina. They have blocked out 20 slips together for us. Do not make your reservations through the marina for July 11-13 Ericson Rendezvous. They ask instead that I collect the names and contact info for those who plan to come. I will be getting the forms from them next week including a map of our slips. I will do my best to make the slip assignments within the block of slips prioritized by the order I get the emails in. If you have specific requests (starboard/port tie, or next to another boat, or shortest walk to the head, etc) I will need this info.

One month prior to the Rendezvous (June 13) I will turn in the list of attendees, boat and contact info, and assigned slip locations to the marina office. The remaining reserved slips will then be released. If you decide after June 13 that you want to attend, you can then still make reservation request through Cap Sante Marina based on slip availability, but the slip may not be within our group.

You can declare your intentions publicly in this forum (some already have). I suggest that you do not post your private info here though. Instead you can direct message me with your contact info and preferences.

Also, If you plan to come a day early or stay a day late, you will need to get a separate reservation through the marina for the extra day(s). We can coordinate that so it is the same slip as for the Rendezvous. For this, I suggest you call in your reservation request to the marina (360-293-0694) since there is no place on the website form to state your connection with the Ericson Rendezvous.

More to come next week when I get the actual forms.
Dave Gane


E-35 | Bellingham, WA
Hi Dave,

We're hoping to finally participate in a rendezvous this year! I'll message you with my information, and we'll be coming from Bellingham. Looking forward to it.

Brass Dragon

Member II
OK! I received the reservation package from Cap Sante Marina. It is a bit different than I am used to but I see the advantages.

1. All boats for Rendezvous 7/11-13 will make reservations only through me. We have 20 slips set aside of varied lengths.
2. No money or card required to reserve. If you think you are going, I suggest you reserve a spot.
3. You will pay when you get to the marina.
4. I will assign slips based on your preferances and availability when you reserve. First in-first choices.
5. Cancel through me if needed, to up to 3 weeks before.
6. I turn in the list with the info to Cap Sante about 3 weeks before the event. All remaining unclaimed slips will be released
7. I dont know what the cancelation policy is within the 3 weeks. I will look into it.

8. Information needed for the form ( I suggest you DM me with info) :
Phone #
email address:
Vessel Name/ID:
Vessel Make:
LOA & Beam:
Arrival & Depart date (7/11-13):

9. If you are arriving a day early or staying extra, you should call the Marina and ask for same slip as assigned for the event.
10. There are 7 boats that have already indicated they plan to attend. I have the dates I received and will work them first, but need all the information above from them also to fill out the forms.
11. There are others who have "thumbs up" to the discussion arrangements. I dont know if that means they are coming. Please let me know.

Open for business, here we go.
Dave Gane
s/v Brass Dragon