I was cooking dinner last night and had a funny realization. A few years ago, our silverware drawer broke at home and I repaired it with some pocket holes. As I was cooking last night, I spilled something that got on the drawer and I was reminded of my less than fantastic fix.

in comparison, the silverware drawer on Segue was broken when we took ownership so I was faced with the same problem and this was result:

I think I may need to reprioritize a little and spend some more time fixing stuff around the house... or just spend more time on the boat so I don't have to look at the house stuff.

in comparison, the silverware drawer on Segue was broken when we took ownership so I was faced with the same problem and this was result:

I think I may need to reprioritize a little and spend some more time fixing stuff around the house... or just spend more time on the boat so I don't have to look at the house stuff.