
Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
I was cooking dinner last night and had a funny realization. A few years ago, our silverware drawer broke at home and I repaired it with some pocket holes. As I was cooking last night, I spilled something that got on the drawer and I was reminded of my less than fantastic fix.
in comparison, the silverware drawer on Segue was broken when we took ownership so I was faced with the same problem and this was result:


I think I may need to reprioritize a little and spend some more time fixing stuff around the house... or just spend more time on the boat so I don't have to look at the house stuff.

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
I have got this far without ever a dovetail. It can't last. They're lovely but daunting.
I think I mentioned it before, but I purchased an inexpensive dovetail jig and router bit, ran through a lot of plywood test fitting and refining the fit, built two boxes with pretty good results, then ruined both of them with a dull round over but. By that time, I was hundreds of dollars in the hole and finally realized buying the drawer kit was actually cheaper than the cost of plywood so the drawers in the boat aren't actually the ones I made. I get a little glare from my wife once in a while when she uses the drawer at home and I can't talk about the drawers in the boat without stiring the pot, so I post pics here instead.

I've been putting off building some built in book cases in our living room. I even bought a few new tools and made a work bench to make construction easier. The work bench was really helpful during my nav desk remodel, still no bookcases though... another topic to avoid at home. Home stuff is so boring with all the relatively straight lines and easy access. Where's the chalenge in that?
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Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Home stuff is so boring with all the relatively straight lines and easy access. Wherevs the chalenge in that?
Relatable! When my wife wants me to build something for the house- a simple board with coat hangers attached for example, or god forbid, a new fence (the current project)- I complain and procrastinate, sometimes for years. But for the boat? Extensive online research begins immediately, tools and materials are on hand within days, if not hours and the project is usually started within the week. Unfortunately, actually completing the project seems to be the bigger challenge these days. I have had a galley redesign project stalled for over a year...

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Beautiful, but this is suposed to be my safe place. My wife is going to give me so much crap when she sees other owners can own a boat and build book cases. Can we just all agree we won't discuss decks....

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
I agree to mute all discussions of decks. But first,

My wife loved the videos and they prompted another bookshelf and deck conversation. I tried to explain the videos were dated 2011 and 2012 and you joined the forum in 2012. She's an accountant, but still didn't accept the math. Guess it's time to clear off that work bench and get to work....Oh, what's that, my work bench is covered in boat plumbing and electrical equipment, might as well finish those boat projects first. You know for tidiness. It's the only practical thing to do, right?

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
I did a two week course in woodworking which got me on the right lines. Most books I bought were useless, and while one book set had good information the direct teaching turned out to be vital.

Dovetails did feature, and they were infuriating.

Freyja E35 #21 1972