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Sailing performance of E27? Bad rumor?

Marc Beroz

Junior Member
I'm considering an Ericson 27 as my next boat but I've read that it tends to be slow for a 27 footer. I want a comfortable coastal cruising boat but I don't want to be watching everyone else's transom recede into the distance. I'd like to hear what you think of the boat's speed. Just as a point of reference, the other boat I'm looking at is the Cal 2-27. Thanks for your imput.

E-27 slow? Not here. Won Boat of the Year last year in my class in an E-27 OB, 1973. Competition, to be truthful, was light. But I regularly beat boats on a boat-for-boat basis that owe me time. The boat is good, sturdy and fast. Am sailing mine to Cuba in the spring. Cal 27s have never been a problem for me.

Morgan Stinemetz


Sustaining Partner
Fast one?

The Eicson 27-especially the outboard version, have been aalways been fairly successful race boats, and amongst boats of similar vintage, are one of the best out there. The Cal 2-27 is somewhat more modern, lighter, and all things being equal(KEY POINT!) should be somewhat faster, however they are rated 35-42 seconds per mle faster. This means that on a 10 mile course, as long as you are within 300-400 (5-6 minutes) seconds behind him, you will win!

Nothing to be ashamed of with this boat, and if you set it up right, it will do just fine.
Good Sailing!

Bill Hearsey

Junior Member
Having sailed on both boats, I think you will find the Cal a little faster in light air and the Ericson better in heavy air. I looked up the NE PHRF rating and they show the Cal base rating 207 and the E-27 at 231. Remember the biggest factor in winning races, is crew and not just boat speed rating. A well sailed boat will usually win. With the 2 boats having very different interior layouts, I would not let the speed be a primary focus of your decision. Neither boat is going to be very fast, but either would make a great cruiser/racer. I have rebuild a Cal 2-30 and am currently rebuilding a E27. One big advantage of the Ericson, is that it will be a much easier boat to do repair work on. All the nice wood work and head liner on the interior of the Cal looks great, but will turn into a real pain when doing any up dating of systems. There is my 2-cents worth. Good luck

Marc Beroz

Junior Member
Glad to hear from you folks. My understanding too was that the 27 was a fairly respectable sailing boat. I was surprised when I turned up info indicating otherwise. At any rate, I'm mulling over a boat I learned of and appreciate your input. Thanks, Marc


Member II
Hello gents,
I bought an E27 this past September, this is my first boat, I have only sailed twice before, and one of those times was when I went out on my friends E32. While sailing I told him, "I gotta get me one of these".

That was in March.

Since then, I took a two day course in sailing after I had purchased my 1974 E27, I haven't quit.

Now, I'm certainly no expert, but I think the E27 handles superbly. However, I have nothing to really compare it to. As a first time boat for me, it's basically easy to handle, and I think it's fast enough, but there again, I haven't raced it yet. I'm still trying to hone my skills as a sailor, and here in Las Vegas on Lake Mead there isn't a lot of racing. But they do have them from time to time.

That's my two cents too. good luck...