Some recent rains have found a new way into our cabin. Our E31 has a wood stove. The 3” chimney flue passes through a 5” opening in the deck. The leak is at the base of the wood mount where the exterior cap is mounted. Got it apart and the old sealant is obviously beyond its “best if used by” date. No problem, clean it up and reseal it.
But with what? Normally I’d use butyl tape on deck hardware that is mechanically fastened to the deck, but in this case is temperature an issue? Do I need something more along the line of chimney flashing sealant? Anyone have experience with resealing around a chimney?

But with what? Normally I’d use butyl tape on deck hardware that is mechanically fastened to the deck, but in this case is temperature an issue? Do I need something more along the line of chimney flashing sealant? Anyone have experience with resealing around a chimney?