Spelling out words/names/etc

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
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Having (sort of) learned/memorized the WW2 version when watching old movies, this little history was eye-opening.
I sometimes find myself using on-the-fly words when trying to get accuracy thru a sketchy cell phone connection. (sigh)
And now I know that all the static-y communication via my cell phone is not just on me, either!

Bravo Echo Alpha Charlie Hotel............ :rolleyes:

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
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When I spelled Tango Hotel Echo Lima Oscar November India Oscar Uniform Sierra, the person on the shore-boat radio said, "could you use letters?"


Advanced Beginner
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When I spell out Mike Alpha Kilo Alpha November Alpha.... about 30% of the time the other end of the conversation comes back with "your boat is called Mackinaw???"


Sustaining Member
When I spell out Mike Alpha Kilo Alpha November Alpha.... about 30% of the time the other end of the conversation comes back with "your boat is called Mackinaw???"
And you reply with "Echo Xray Dash Tango Hotel Echo Lima Oscar November India Oscar Uniform Sierra"


Advanced Beginner
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Heh. One of the boats I raced on was named for the owner's favorite brand of rum. His tender (a 41-foot Protector with 3x 400hp outboards across the back) was called "Rumrunner"

Besides being a pain in the butt to spell phonetically.... the coast-guard in Victoria BC used to get a little more... uh... interested in our intentions once they sounded out the name.