Tethers - Std or Elastic


Member II
We find ourselves venturing farther and into tougher weather. I am adding jacklines and gearing up for a bit more safety. Is there a general conscensus on elastic vs the std tether? Any advantage other than keeping tangle at bay with the elastic?



Member II
I have been across the Atlantic and done several deliveries to Bermuda, Bahamas and BVI's. In my opinion not only would I suggest the elastic but also the one that has both a 3' and 6' length. The safety hook should also be double action.


Contributing Partner
I do agree about both 3' and 6' tethers, but I found the elastic to be more troublesome than they were worth. If I'm just sitting in the cockpit on watch I prefer a tether that doesn't pull at me, which the elastic tether always seemed to do. Once on deck the elastic tether is fine, but most of the time is spent in the cockpit where it never seems to work out.