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trailer needed

bill glasco

Quo Vadis
ericson23-2 fixed keel (3'8") i need a trailer that will work or can be converted to work. i live in dallas tx area but can travel.


Member III
just a thought..


Here in oklahoma several marinas will loan or rent trailers from other boats so you can service your boat. Call around to sailboat marinas and you might get lucky.

Good Luck,
Wes Zimmerman

Bob in Va

Member III
Alternative choice

Bill, you might consider having a cradle made up for your boat. Then if you can buy or borrow a flatbed trailer you are in business. Flatbeds are a lot more plentiful than fixed keel sailboat trailers, and can probably be had for less money, too. Plus, I suspect they are easier to sell, too.


"don't tread on me" member XVXIIIII
ericson23-2 fixed keel (3'8") i need a trailer that will work or can be converted to work. i live in dallas tx area but can travel.

Bill, after browsing craig list for a week, or so...I found one...its takes a bit of doing...they are hard to come by and more than a few folks lookin' ... we had to tweek it a bit to make a perfect fit...but it is done and ready for me to pull from so cali back here to boulder...(e23, fixed keel)...i paid $1,500 for it...

:egrin: good luck !! enclosed...
