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Using your camera


So far I've only contributed a flurry of questions on this board; all take and no give. I still don't have enough accomplished to be able to share successes or projects, but I do have a maintenance hint to contribute.

Since we're an hour from the boat (in LA traffic), there is always an urge to get whatever needs to be done done and then spend some time enjoying the boat. To make up for the lack of time I've used one of our digital cameras to bring the boat "home" between visits.

In addition to just taking pictures and pictures of the exterior I've also been sticking the camera inside every access port and snapped away with the flash on. I've now got a fairly good start on an album which shows avery nook and cranny of the boat in addition to all the hardware fittings I can snap. Some of the pictures offer views which would be impossible without wrenching your neck and I can view them in the comfort of my desk chair. I can sit there and study the cabling as it snakes behind the interior lining, next to the hull, and back towards the stern. I can see where condensation accumulates way up under the deck in the very bow, and so on.

Since I have the pictures in an Extensis Portfolio catalog I can leaf through them in slide mode whenever I feel like it. As a result I'm getting to know our La Petit inside and out, probably even better than I would after a few years of crawling all over her during cruising and I get the pleasure of feeling almost like I was aboard any time I turn on the slide show.

I've got to admit that the pictures have also given me a real appreciation of the quality of the boat. There is no evidence of cheap construction _anywhere_, not even in the most inaccessible places.

Worth a 1000 words ?

They sure are !


Jack Zink

Junior Member
Great idea. As a recent Ericson 23 owner, I too am hunger for information. Both sharing and receiving. Thanks again for the suggestion. I hope to be posting more in the future. Also "23 Tell-Tales" a newsletter through the network that Bob Boe has taken the lead role up in Virginia has been a great resource as well. Specifically because it focuses in on 23 owners. As you recall we are considering a galley installation in our 23 as well...."Olas Bailarina...."Wave Dancer".
"Growing older but not up....."Jimmy Buffet


Member III
I stuck my camera in the head and snapped a picture, but my wife, who was in there showering, won't let me keep it in the scrap book.


Rod Johnson
Til Winter

Jim Baldwin

Member II
Let me see...

The least you could do is post it for us... Ha ha

Now that you have started taking pictures, the next thing is enlargement and framing.

Now your boat pictures should start showing up around the house and and then next to the picture of your wife and kids on your desk at work.

While you are at work, (and when the boss ain't looking), you can sneak-a-peek on your computer. You can almost touch that full screen image... Just imagine running your fingers over that tiller and heeling over in a stiff blow.

Now you begin to understand why boats often have women's names and why you have now, (officially) joined the ranks of... LSS, (Love-Sick-Sailors).

Forget the pictures of the wife... Can you post us a pin-up of your boat?

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