The vang sheet on my Selden Boomkicker currently runs to a cam cleat on the lower fiddle block which makes easing the vang difficult without a scramble to the mast or extreme contortions from the companionway. I would like to run it back to the cockpit but am struggling to figure out the best path.
Running the vang sheet directly to the mast base block seems like it might cause problems with sheet tension when the boom is let out to port or starboard.
Running the sheet to a block on the boom and then paralleling the main sheet to the gooseneck and down doesn’t seem like a good option due to the boom kicker configuration unless I use a strop to mount the block. Maybe that’s the simplest solution but I am sure there are other ideas out there. I am also sure I’ll be frustrated I didn’t think of them, but let’s hear them!

Running the vang sheet directly to the mast base block seems like it might cause problems with sheet tension when the boom is let out to port or starboard.
Running the sheet to a block on the boom and then paralleling the main sheet to the gooseneck and down doesn’t seem like a good option due to the boom kicker configuration unless I use a strop to mount the block. Maybe that’s the simplest solution but I am sure there are other ideas out there. I am also sure I’ll be frustrated I didn’t think of them, but let’s hear them!