Prairie Schooner
Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21

Big thanks to Ray Durkee, @Pete the Cat In February I mentioned that Donna and I would be visiting my son in Alameda, CA. Ray very kindly offered to take us sailing. We met on March 12 for a great day on San Francisco Bay in his E32. Ray kept apologizing for the 50º overcast weather, but for two New Englanders who’ve been land bound since September, it was pure tonic.

Ray single-hands much of the time so he ably did most everything while Donna and I traded off driving. It was interesting to drive a 32 compared to our 35. In many ways it felt like home. The 32 is noticeably more responsive. I imagine the difference to be similar to that between a BMW 3-series and 5-series.

The requisite photo of the GG Bridge and The Rock.

I was fascinated by this boat which, IIRC, has been there for many months. I am surprised the authorities haven’t held the owner responsible for removing it.

The big container port was a new experience for us. In Narragansett Bay we rarely see more than a single car carrier or tanker. We had some interesting encounters in SF that take on special significance after what happened in Baltimore.
The final leg was a poled-out jib run where Ray had me steering 40’ off the channel wall to avoid tug boat wash. I’m glad he knows the waters and his boat. I was nervous.
It was really fun meeting another EYo-er, swapping sailing stories, and getting to know each other.
Thanks Ray!
While I’m at it, shout out to Mark @mjsouleman and Steven @peaman who we’ve met in person here in NE. Great folks and they’ve been very helpful. Mark’s monthly video meetings are fun, too.
Jeff (& Donna)