Water in bilge while on the hard


New Member
I have a keel stepped mast on my Ericson 34. Last winter, first one on the hard in CT, I had excessive water accumulate in bilge. Boat had canvas cover and water was not coming through the deck.Bilge filled several times during the winter and had to be removed. What can I do to reduce the volume of water.Boat is not stored where it is convenient to check. Someone mentioned cutting a whole in the bilge and leaving open for the winter and plugging it when in water. Any suggestions?


Contributing Partner
And there hasn't been any water in the bilge this past summer while sailing?

I would first suspect leaking from the cockpit scupper hoses that may have had water in them that froze during the winter. But if the through hulls for those scupper hoses are below the waterline and you didn't have water in the bilge over the summer that probably isn't the problem.

If those through hulls are above the waterline, however, they could be split, but without sea water getting up into them from below (or a good amount of rain from above) you might not notice any water in the bilge.

If you suspect the mast, check where it passes through the deck and make sure it is sealed well. It seems unlikely that much water is coming down inside the mast, but I have a deck-stepped mast so can't really comment authoritatively.
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New Member
It is not an issue when the boat is in the water. The boat had a tight canvas cover that did not appear to have any leaks coming through. It seems that all the water is coming down, into, through the mast but not at the deck level.Thanks for yout input.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Common to boats with keel-stepped spars. We have quite a bit of rain water that comes down the inside of the mast in any decent storm. A strong wind seems to drive even more in, probably through the spreader roots and halyard entries and exits.

At least it's clean water! I use a turkey baster to clean out the bilge once a week in the winter.



New Member
Thanks, but my problem is also that I store my boat in CT and spend the winter in Louisiana. Thus I was looking for a solution that would not require continual monitoring all winter.Any suggestions are welcome.

Mort Fligelman

Member III
Winter bilge water

I anticipated this problem when I was planning to bring the boat to the midwest......while it was in Florida the bilge pumps kept it pretty empty, but I knew that this would not work for the winters here in Illinois, and I am in Florida for the winter......

So.....a 1/2 Inch hole was drilled into the keel cuff about one inch above the top of the keel, and countersunk to accept the head of a 1/2 inch flat head machine bolt.......I use a thin "O"ring in the taper, and also use 4200 on the "O" ring, and Inside on the nut and washer to seal it for the summer..... Last year it worked just fine. No problems summer sailing or winter storage.

Do not kid yourself about how much water can accumulate through the mast on a keel stepped boat.


Contributing Partner
Well I can't guarantee that it's 100% effective.....but I once saw someone at the marina go up the mast on the hard to wrap plastic over all of the openings in the mast to keep the water out over the winter. Kind of a pain to do, and undo in the spring, but it should at least reduce the volume of rain that can get in.

If water freezing in your bilge is the concern some folks add red pop to the bilge over the winter (after turning off the bilge pump of course). But if the concern is bilge contents getting over the floorboards then the plastic idea might be your best bet.

Glyn Judson

Water from the mast in the bilge.

All, Here's a silly thought, how about using an umbrella to cover the top of the mast for the winter? It could be a small one easily hoisted above in the same manner as one would a pig stick. Glyn

Greg Ross

Not the newest member
Another option springs to mind

"Thanks, but my problem is also that I store my boat in CT and spend the winter in Louisiana. Thus I was looking for a solution that would not require continual monitoring all winter.Any suggestions are welcome"

Sail the boat down to Loosiana.


I liked the fact that it has what I think of as a "proper" through-hull fitting to it and also had the T handle integral with the plug. I also felt the 3/4 size was adequate to drain well.

Guy Stevens

Take the mast out

Leaving the mast in while the boat is on the hard is not good for the rigging or the boat. The easiest and best answer is to remove the mast and seal the deck at the partners.

It also will give you an opportunity to inspect the rigging yearly at bench level, with the tension off of it, giving you an opportunity to inspect areas that are impossible to inspect while the rig is stepped.


Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
I've had scupper fittings part on a past boat so I am a little sensitive to the problem. I always leave a thru hull or two open in the hull over the winter to keep any water level below the cabin sole. It's not as elegant as Mort's solution, but it has worked, so far, to have the rain & freeze gods bother other people. :)

The water I collect is from rain coming down the mast which can be considerable.

e38 owner

Member III
some thoughts

I have a good cover
I silicone the track about the partners so water runs out.
I few of my friends place a piece of tape where the rigging exits the mast
Sometimes I leave the boat in the water for the winter and uses a bubbler sometime I pull it out.
When possible I leave heat tape in the bilge and the bilge open any water evaporates


Member III
Hole in track at the base

I agree with 'considerable'. The amounts of water coming down the mast can be very significant, despite T-ball plugs, silicone, mast boot and whatever else. I drilled a 3/8" hole into the track at the base of the mast to make sure water can get out and doesn't sit around the step. Keep the hole clean by occasionally clearing 'stuff' out.

The slow seepage (P.O.) had led to a delaminated cabin sole around the step. :0 Not good, but I don't have the time to do the wonderful work others have done to replace the sole (yet). One idea to avoid that, I thought, was to route out a small part of the plates around the mast and creating a dyke of sorts that would funnel the water into the bilge instead of sitting on the TFG and soaking the wood from below.

Another thought that keeps crossing my mind are the soaking wet keel bolts. :0 Wouldn't it be nice to build something that creates a bilge subcompartment (with separate small pump etc.) which collects the mast water while the rest of the bilge is DRY? Not starting a keel bolt corrosion discussion here...

Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
The slow seepage (P.O.) had led to a delaminated cabin sole around the step. :0 Not good, but I don't have the time to do the wonderful work others have done to replace the sole (yet). One idea to avoid that, I thought, was to route out a small part of the plates around the mast and creating a dyke of sorts that would funnel the water into the bilge instead of sitting on the TFG and soaking the wood from below.

Chris - I put a bead of glop on the top of the TFG on both sides of the mast base to keep the water away from the sole. The opposite of your idea of a channel.

I also put sill seal foam under the sole to keep the wood off of the TFG. At the edges I used closed cell adhesive-backed weatherproofing foam tape where the sill seal wouldn't stay by itself. This replaced the glop that the factory put under the sole to keep it quiet. No problems to date. Probably a dozen years.


Member III
The sole

Thanks, Tom. The drain hole works well, but the bead is probably an easier idea than routing out. [If anybody wonders...there is a LOT of water coming down, no kidding!].

I am still in awe of all the beautiful cabin sole replacement pictures you sent to me. I need an order of magnitude more time than I have. Very tough year! I managed 3 (!) nm with the boat but ended up with over 60,000 on various planes. Unreal! These are the first few weeks of the 2012 Season, and preparations are going well! :)