Hole in track at the base
I agree with 'considerable'. The amounts of water coming down the mast can be very significant, despite T-ball plugs, silicone, mast boot and whatever else. I drilled a 3/8" hole into the track at the base of the mast to make sure water can get out and doesn't sit around the step. Keep the hole clean by occasionally clearing 'stuff' out.
The slow seepage (P.O.) had led to a delaminated cabin sole around the step. :0 Not good, but I don't have the time to do the wonderful work others have done to replace the sole (yet). One idea to avoid that, I thought, was to route out a small part of the plates around the mast and creating a dyke of sorts that would funnel the water into the bilge instead of sitting on the TFG and soaking the wood from below.
Another thought that keeps crossing my mind are the soaking wet keel bolts. :0 Wouldn't it be nice to build something that creates a bilge subcompartment (with separate small pump etc.) which collects the mast water while the rest of the bilge is DRY? Not starting a keel bolt corrosion discussion here...