waterpump woes....

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Hi Harold,

Thanks for your reply. As you may have noted in my "update" post above, we did get the water pump off and had about 1/8" of the two broken bolts protruding from the engine block. However, we also discovered that the engine block where the pump bolts on is also aluminum, but the bolts are hardened steel.

We did everything we could to help us remove the bolts--sprayed with corrosion busters, heated with propane torch, tried to turn them with a large vice-grip pliers. Nothing worked, and the vice grip simply began to mangle the bolts.

As there were other bolts within two inches of the broken off ones, and 16 bolts in total, we decided to leave the broken off ones in place and mount the new pump using the 14 good bolts and lots of sealant.

So far, there is no sign of leaks, though I'll continue to monitor it for a while.

This would have been an easy job if the engine manufacturer (Universal) had coated the bolts with some kind of anti-sieze coating. Not doing this, and installing steel bolts into aluminum is a recipe for problems. I had hoped to get the broken bolts out, but we just didn't see a good way to do this. My mechanic's last words were to beware of having to do any further engine work on this engine, as all the other bolts are also likely to cause problems.

Fortunately, the engine only has about 1,000 hours on it, so hopefully it will last alot longer before needing too much more.

Thanks again.



chas and judy
Thanks, Rob for your advice. The two bolts have broken off in the aluminum water pump, but they go through the water pump into the cast iron of the engine block.

Chas, I can't imagine how that must have felt, having them break off when installing the new pump! I'll be very careful doing that, so thanks for that heads up.

Tomorrow is the big day to try to solve this problem.

Thanks again for all the advice to date.


Hi Frank The usual mechanic that looks after my engine (also crews with us on Sunday racing ) told me that on our small engines we should never use more than 19 lbs of tourq when tightening anything on this size engin and to use new bolts when possible (preferable).
PS> last Sunday first race of the season we got a fifth and a fourth my rating is- PHRF 196 against boats with ratings of 250 and higher winds were
14 to 24 MPH , 150 genoa and full main, spinnaker reach down wind
one of these days come down to Victoria and race with us and return to Alberta via Tswassen you will learn a good deal from my mechanic and Jphn on Hilda Harris E28+ may give use another lesson Ps his PHRF rating is 210
I owe him about 1 min per mile,

Chas and Judi E 30+ Eden.
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Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Hi Chas,

Thanks for your reply and your offer to race with you some day. That likely won't happen just now, but I will keep it in mind, and really appreciate the offer.

Congratulations on doing so well in your recent races--sounds like you have it down to a fine art! :egrin: I'm puzzled, though on your PHRF rating, as the E30+ usually rates around 168, making your 196 quite high. Any idea why?



chas and judy
Hi Chas,

Thanks for your reply and your offer to race with you some day. That likely won't happen just now, but I will keep it in mind, and really appreciate the offer.

Congratulations on doing so well in your recent races--sounds like you have it down to a fine art! :egrin: I'm puzzled, though on your PHRF rating, as the E30+ usually rates around 168, making your 196 quite high. Any idea why?


My Sail were measured by our official club measurer Jack Stacy who is an official phrf NW agent fIRSTLY MY SAILS ARE MADE FROM REGULAR DACRON NOT EXTIC CLOTHS . My genoa 148 not a 150. My Mainsal is about 4 inches shorter on the leach and the measurement from the foot to the tack is taken at an angle of 88 degrees (I can put a beer can on top of the dodger without it getting knocked off) PS I remove the dodger, cockpit table, BBQ, extra anchor,rode and most other cruising equipment. I leave upholstery on as the
brochure says The E 30+ is first home COMFRORTABLY.
Hope to see you soon We must get our ships together. Chas and Judi Eden E 30+ # 720