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Wemac light bezels


Member III
Has anybody found a place to purchase new original design light bezels for the Ericson? They look like this, I think OEM is Jensen-Wemac.

I was thinking about learning a 3d design platform if these aren't procurable anymore. Then just having my printer spit them out in polycarbonate.


Member III
Has like 9-10 of them. I'd say like half of them fall off after a sail. They also cut the lights output in half.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Might not be original equipment. Here's what I went with:



Member III
I've already changed all the bayonet style incandescent lights to LED red/white lights from Scandivik(or however it's spelled). I do like the lense texture on both of those lights. Guess it's time to download some software and make my own.

Here is a poor photo of the whole assembly.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
One factor that informs most of our present cost for upgrades or major maintenance is Inflation.
I was told when we bought our boat that it originally sold for about $90K, in 1988, and that did include a number of factory upgrades.

That amount today would be $239K, per the "US Inflation Calculator".
The current cost to replace a lot of parts and systems will not be parallel to that, but it is likely somewhat close.

We can choose to re-equip from a selection of similar parts, over a range of pricing. So at least we are not locked into spending any given (high...) price.