What color engine smoke is this?


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I have calibrated myself to the amount of steam that I see when "everything is working OK." I obsess a little about it too. As a result I do take notice when there is more steam sooner than usual in a normal 2100 rpm run. Recently we had excess steam and a slow boat by about a knot at cruise rpm. Probably a dirty bottom, but I wonder. I'm still working on understanding what was going on. I found my transmission fluid slightly low, but I doubt that is the problem.

Another time we had excess steam it was due to a partially blocked raw water thru-hull and we turned around and re-anchored to troubleshoot. Weeds were plugging the thru-hull and once cleared "everything was working OK."

I do get exhaust odor in the cockpit when wind conditions are right (wrong?) and our dodger can catch and hold the fumes. A following wind usually is the cause. Ordinary exhaust smells bad and is colorless, so knowing what oil smells like vs. regular clean exhaust is pretty important.