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What do I do with this domain name?


Sustaining Member
Originally my grandson, who is an expert in building incredible domains, wanted to build me a first class very low end user cost Texas or Nationwide sailboat locator service or very low end user cost full scale sailboat resale portal....but he is now very busy in the .com industry and I kinda sat on it and let it get cold.
I need ideas before I decide to....?

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
The big ones like sailnet and sail boat owners seem to have corralled a lot of the business. And then there is sailing texas and sailing anarchy. You would have to find a need that is not already being met or address one that is unmet now.
There are also a bunch of lousy private listing services that are despised for never culling their ads.

Pretty good domain name, gotta admit.


Sustaining Member
Loren: There have been several marine internet services that have shown interest in this website. As of now, I have no interest in disposing presently. In fact, I just renewed the license. You are correct, the available supply of good .com domain names in most areas are pretty tight or expensive to purchase.

Options are open, that is the purpose of this post. I would love for someone to make use of this domain at no cost and build something that would reward them greatly and benefit me a minutiae. More for the gratification than reward. That's fact.


Curator of Broken Parts
Blogs Author
You could try to sell it. But... I once thought that I was pretty good at coining good (i.e. short) domain names, and fell for the GoDaddy premise of the domain name marketplace. They claim that a couple of mine are "worth" five figures, but nobody ever showed any interest. (As far as I can tell, the people who claim to have made a lot of money at that mostly rushed to buy up the names of existing companies and sort of ransomed them.) By the time that I got hold of the domains that I actually wanted to use for my businesses, it seemed too hard to change the names. Anyhow, plenty of successful businesses (and most of my customers, it sometimes seems) use nonsense names. The shorter the better. If you market it, they will come. I remember in the early 90's I saw a billboard by a bay area freeway for "Yahoo!" and I thought it was the silliest thing I ever saw. What did I know?

If you don't have a sailboat business, you can try the generic "monetization" scheme. Just use google adsense to pile on links to real sailboat-related businesses. I hate those sites. Of course, it takes some slick search engine optimization and some marketing dollars to make that work. But some of them have captured whole markets. (e.g. try finding a listing for a real tow truck company in any major city - unless you know the specific name that you are looking for, all you get are pirate sites that then ransom the contacts to the real companies.)

Oops, took too long to type this - didn't see your last post.

Tin Kicker

Sustaining Member
I'd just sell it and move on with life.

Like Toddster, my business site name is supposedly worth a bunch but at this point it is also the name of my business. We all get spammed for all sorts of products and business sites get two more. I get daily emails from India, China, and elsewhere about how they are going to help me because they are such experts in search engine optimization (SEO) and the others are the occasional attempts at shake-downs and ransom threats.
I'd like to introduce them to Johnny Cash but just hit delete.


Sustaining Member
I'd just sell it and move on with life.

Like Toddster, my business site name is supposedly worth a bunch but at this point it is also the name of my business. We all get spammed for all sorts of products and business sites get two more. I get daily emails from India, China, and elsewhere about how they are going to help me because they are such experts in search engine optimization (SEO) and the others are the occasional attempts at shake-downs and ransom threats.
I'd like to introduce them to Johnny Cash but just hit delete.
Bob you are most likely correct.....! I get the same "worldly" daily emails just because I have a domain name. Nothing beats Johnny Cash!!