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    Join us on September 27th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

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You meet the nicest people in an Ericson

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
E34-2 Selkie.jpeg

While on our second cruise of the season we spied another Ericson during our stay in Cuttyhunk Harbor. We dinghied over to say Hi and met Kai and Emma in their boat, 'Selkie'. @Kai is the person who got the E34-2 with the separated TAFG.


After all that work they sailed from Maine down to southeastern Massachusetts. I have so much respect for that kind of grit. It's taken us several years to get the boat to a point where we're comfortable going any distance.

They stopped by later in the day and we had a lovely chat. A really nice young couple. (young, at least, compared to us)

E34-2 Lune.jpeg

The next morning I noticed another 34-2 in the harbor. We were dropping the mooring but on the way out we swung by to say Hi. It was @Thaddeus on 'Lune' The exchange was quick but pleasant. We went on to Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard and took a mooring. Later we saw another Ericson and to our surprise it was 'Lune' again.

The next morning Tom & Karen and their friend John stopped by and we got to know each other a little bit. Again, really nice folks. We talked about how fun it would be to arrange a Northeast rendezvous. It's come up before here. Who knows.




Junior Member
This is such a nice post! And, a reminder to us that we have a long overdue thank you to some members here that we met in real life this summer, on the West Coast. @vanilladuck and @G Kiba were so incredibly kind and generous to invite us over to their marina and share their time when we met them in the Bay Area in July. Great to see their boats and spend time together. @vanilladuck was even able to help when we moved our boat from it's previous slip to the yard across the bay for shipping, which was so appreciated rather than one of us single-handing it.

After our boat arrived in Olympia (thanks @Todd charchenko for the shipper connection!), we starting making our way north to our permanent slip. At our stop in Pt. Townsend, we had two Ericsons on the docks with us - one being @bgary. So fun to meet and chat a bit! And we ended up motoring and sailing across the Strait of Juan de Fuca, heading north, at the same time the next day. Even spied a lone orca just north of Cattle Pass as we were in shouting distance of each other. There are several Ericsons now at our home marina and we had a good chat with the owners of a E30 across from us on Labor Day. It's been fun and we're happy to meet folks in person and here virtually.


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Ditto! It was great meeting you in Port Townsend and cruising across the Strait with you.

I'll get photos to you when I can... it's been a little hectic lately, but things'll calm down... right?