As anybody who has stripped brightwork on a boat can testify, it's an awful job. Armed with a heatgun in one hand and a scraper in the other, it takes all your concentration not to burn the wood, the adjacent paint or your self while carefully trying to scrape off the dregs without leaving marks. All of this going on while bent over the workpiece-either from the dock or on board.
Now the rules in my marina mandate that the boat must be skirted with plastic from the hull to the dock before any of the above can take place. So now, not only can I not see the edge of the finger, but the slippery plastic has turned the dock into an ice rink. There is the very real possibility that you could slide right into the water holding a 110 volt corded tool and I almost did today. But hey, at least none of my old varnish flakes reached the water.
Going green, yeah!
Can't wait to see what brilliant laws they come up with next.
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