Upgraded to an Ericson 35...


Member III
After years of shopping for a bigger boat, I finally upgraded from an 1973 Ericson 29 to a 1973 Ericson 35. *sigh* :-D

She needs quite a bit of work, but I think I pretty much got a steal on her.

Here's something I'm curious about though. There are many E35s with the engine in the center of the cabin. There are some E35s with the engine under the stairs, and dual settees instead of the dinette.

But this is the very first one I've ever seen that has the engine behind the stairs and a dinette. Are there others like it?


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Member III
Next question...

Does anyone know what this number is? It doesn't seem to be in the format of a Coast Guard Registration Number.


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Member III
I looked on the USCG site for that number. No information listed other than the number and boat name, "Yankee Pedlar".

Your picture shows an almost current state registration number and sticker, so a prior owner probably let the federal registration lapse. (?)


The boat has actually been registered in California through the end of 2015.

And I did the same search you did with the same result, but the "Net 7" was confusing me.

Cory B

Sustaining Member
Net Tonnage

"Net 7" probably just means net tonnage per whatever magic formula the USCG uses to calculates it. I don't think its required to be displayed in documented boats, just the number.

And congratulations on the boat by the way! It looks like it should clean up nice!
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Casks of Rum?

"Net 7" probably just means net tonnage per whatever magic formula the USCG uses to calculates it. I don't think its required to be displayed in documented boats, just the number.

And congratulations on the boat by the way! It looks like it should clean up nice!

The whole "admeasurement" process is very old - ancient even.

Your boat was measured under with a formula to assess how many barrels of wine of cubits of salted cod it could hold!

Indeed, it's a nice looking boat.



Member I
Custom dinette

After years of shopping for a bigger boat, I finally upgraded from an 1973 Ericson 29 to a 1973 Ericson 35. *sigh* :-D

She needs quite a bit of work, but I think I pretty much got a steal on her.

Here's something I'm curious about though. There are many E35s with the engine in the center of the cabin. There are some E35s with the engine under the stairs, and dual settees instead of the dinette.

But this is the very first one I've ever seen that has the engine behind the stairs and a dinette. Are there others like it?

I believe the dinette on yours is custom. I'm not sure that they came that way when it has the aft motor setup. I have the aft motor and the typical settee style with fold down table. Well...I used to...Mine is now torn apart, but I am going to rebuild it with a dinette style with drop down table. Could you please post more pictures of the dinette in yours? I am looking for design ideas. I like how the bulkhead at your Nav station is extended and has the post on it. I am envisioning something similar on mine.

Martin King

Sustaining Member
Blogs Author
That dinette table looks period correct and factory built to me.
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Member III
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was built this way in the factory.

What specifically do you want photos of?


Member I
Cool. I haven't seen one like that before. A picture from the companionway looking at the chart table please. And then a couple different angles looking at the dinette area. Thanks!


Member III
Excuse the mess, she's still a bit of a construction zone.

But here are some photos for you:



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Kevin A Wright

Member III
Hey congratulations! I moved up from an E27 to an E35 3 years ago. Wow what a difference.

Your configuration looks the same as my 1986 E35 mk III. Except I have a SS post instead of a wooden one on the Nav station divider. Here's some pics I took when I was kicking her tires before I bought her. Only thing I've changed since is adding a swing arm on the port side of the companionway for the radar display so I can see it while steering.

Kevin Wright
E35 Hydro Therapy



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celtic sea

Member III
I have also just upgraded from a 1973 E27 to a 1975 35. Like you mentioned, what a difference! Motor under stairs
Kevin, I like that wooden radar arm, I saved the pic in hopes to oneday duplicate it. I assume you made that? Nice..
I'll attach a pic, need to get on laptop.


Member I
engine placement under stairs

I have a 1978 Ericson 35. It is the dinette model and has a Yanmar 2qm20 under the stairs. I like this set up, very easy access to the engine. My holding tank and a spare battery are under the dinette seat.


Member III
I have a 1978 Ericson 35. It is the dinette model and has a Yanmar 2qm20 under the stairs. I like this set up, very easy access to the engine. My holding tank and a spare battery are under the dinette seat.

Yep. Loving this layout.

How big is your holding tank? And where is your water tank?

My holding tank is I think only 9 gallons. It's the same size as the one on my E29, which is way too small.

My fresh water tank is under my V-berth and it also seems too small for this size of boat


Member I
Water tanks

My holding tank is 13 gal. Also has macerator to dump at sea. Fresh water tank is under V birth. I try to always carry 50+ gal of fresh water. 30 Gal. in the tank that we use for cleaning and rinsing off. Two 6 Gal. Jerry cans on deck and bottle water, beer and soda to drink. We only have an electric water pump so we use more water than if we had a hand or foot pump. So when we are in Catalina for a week or so, we have plenty of fresh water. I have 4 batteries on board. I maintain with a solar panel and the engine alternator. We changed out all lighting to LEDs and found we really don't consume that much power anymore when at anchor. Love the boat. We hope to sail it up to Seattle sometime in 2017 to visit some friends. Like to take it slow going up and stop at some harbors for a few nights. Good luck on your Ericson........

celtic sea

Member III

Seabreeone, have you used the engine yet. The po installed the Yanmar 2gm20F in my boat, was wondering about the amount of power available. Recently new boat for me, so waiting for spring here to try it.
1975 E35-2


Member III
Seabreeone, have you used the engine yet. The po installed the Yanmar 2gm20F in my boat, was wondering about the amount of power available. Recently new boat for me, so waiting for spring here to try it.
1975 E35-2

When I bought Cinderella I had a 2gm20f. According to others, yanmars are great engines. As far as power goes, I couldn't get to hull speed, but I have a feeling that may have as much to do with the prop as the engine. I think I did about 5 kts at 3500 (when the engine decided to start anyway).
