Loren, how do they do that? Sleeved? Wish I had known....
I took the guard to a welder fitter who does marine work. He cut it and put in another piece of tubing on each side with internal sleeves. Wire fed weld at the line where the tubes met. Ground and polished, there is no way to tell where the lengthening was done.
(Adding another piece to each side at the bottom would have been more difficult overall because of the already-existing holes for previous instruments in both uprights, along with a hole for the wire for the AP wheel drive. And, those wiring exits were aligned with the guard support plate.)
Here is a picture with the G10 angle piece from McMaster-Carr, from before it was painted white, in final finish form. It's an earlier picture with the long-gone Garmin mounted on it. I attached it with ss U-bolts, also from Mc-C.
The idea was to keep the plotter somewhat protected under the guard, and to have enough room at the top to easily get a hand around the guard when footing in the cockpit starts getting sporty.