Thanks for the replies, they are great. I figured there'd be some good stories, there is something about a clock. I remember the cuckoo clock in our house and some sort of mantle clock at my grandparents house. Each made a different sound I would recognize today.
My coworker waxes nostalgically about the ship's bell clock on his father's old Morgan he sailed up on Lake Huron. His dad would walk over to the barometer every morning, tap tap tap to shake the needle loose. He loves to tell that story.
This came up a couple weekends ago when Lisa and I were double handing a race up from Freeport. We were becalmed for a while, I managed to keep it to one uncontrolled 360. We listened to half the fleet abandoning the race, got places to be ya know. We sill had 50 miles to go, it was going to be a long day and night. I was down below, the afternoon was going by and I wondered what time it was. Yes, I could look at my phone stashed in the drawer, the laptop running OpenCPN or climb up the companionway ladder to the chartplotter at the wheel. That all seemed like too much work, we need a ship's clock.
We finished the race at 01:09 and motored 5 hours home from there. We had places to go too.