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Update on 2017 PNW Ericson Rendez Vous

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
The Program, such as it is.

Friday is usually the arrival day, with socializing and an unplanned happy hour.
Saturday is given over to boat visits -- in 2014 the ring leaders had printed up one-page Boat Introduction forms that were clipped to the lifeline so that others could read something about your boat and any upgrades and changes you wanted to mention. This went over very well, imho.

We have also made up a flyer that we posted inside -- an idea born last summer when our yacht club had a one day "boat open house" for members wanting to participate. Several boats were serving drinks, and one member had a large blender making mixed drinks. :)

Saturday about 5 or 6 pm there is a pot luck where there is usually way too much food and dessert. Short speeches, introductions all around, tall tales, drawing for some door prizes. Chatter and hubbub is involved.

Sunday is often departure day except for those like us that often stay an extra night. It all depends on when and where you need to be next.

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Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
We have made up a flyer that we put on the inside -- an idea born last summer when our yacht club had a one day "boat open house"

That's a cool idea! Do you happen to have an electronic copy you can share?


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
That's a cool idea! Do you happen to have an electronic copy you can share?


Hmmm..... I cannot find it in my archived stuff. It was a one page flyer. I just wrote down information about the boat and major upgrades over the years. Put it in a plastic sleeve on the life line. I waxed poetic about the construction and engineering from EY and the sailing abilities of the Olson. Bragging... may be light duty sin, but sometimes it's fun! :)

For a half day, members of our YC toured other member's (open) boats. it was a load of fun. Lots of chatter afterwords about the joy of getting to know other members and getting the "cook's tour" of their boats.

The 2014 EY rendezvous saw a form posted up here, IIRC. Blank copies were provided at the rendezvous dock, also.
We picked up form and filled in all the parts about our boat and whatever we thought was interesting about it. Again, posted in a plastic sleeve on the lifeline, with some plastic tie wraps.

Edit: I did find the rendezvous electronic form in the 2014 Rendezvous thread. I will append it.
It is in ".doc" format but opens just fine in Pages.
You can d/l it and modify it to suit you.



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Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Sailmaker presentation?

I just talked to my sailmaker (Vince Townsend, who runs the Ullman loft in Anacortes) and, among other things, told him about the rendezvous we're having next month.

He asked if we'd like to have him come talk to the group.

Thought I'd throw it out there. It might be cool to have him come talk to the assemblage on any of a number of topics... could be sail-care, or cruising spinnakers, or modern fabrics and their trade-offs, or....anything.

What say the group? Any interest? Maybe a chalk-talk session on Saturday afternoon on a topic of interest to us, leading into the potluck?


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I just talked to my sailmaker (Vince Townsend, who runs the Ullman loft in Anacortes) and, among other things, told him about the rendezvous we're having next month.

He asked if we'd like to have him come talk to the group.

Thought I'd throw it out there. It might be cool to have him come talk to the assemblage on any of a number of topics... could be sail-care, or cruising spinnakers, or modern fabrics and their trade-offs, or....anything.

What say the group? Any interest? Maybe a chalk-talk session on Saturday afternoon on a topic of interest to us, leading into the potluck?


History: when Brion Toss did an hour seminar for the EY Rendezvous at Port Townsend, it was VERY well received. I bet that everyone would appreciate some professional advice. A lot of the later model EY boats are very similar in standing and running rigging layouts, which helps the presentation.
The 70's models have a lot of commonalities in their rig and set up, also.

Please do pursue this idea.


Advanced Beginner
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Cool! Let's kick this around here for a few days and see if we can land on a topic, and then I'll reach back to Vince.

On a separate note.... Bob Perry (yacht designer) lives in the area (I think we might be able to see his house from Langley), has been friends with Bruce King for years, knows and likes Ericsons, and... "might" also be interested in coming to speak at our gathering. He's also an accomplished guitarist, and I know he's always up to join in an impromptu jam session with friends and sailors. It's a big part of the annual "Perry rendezvous" that happens in the Sound each year.

No promises - I haven't approached him yet - but if that's of interest I could pursue that, too.

Having not been to one of these before, I don't know if there is an existing protocol for logistics.... I'd be happy to cover any travel expenses (e.g., ferry tolls) and I assume it would okay to invite guest-speakers to join in the potluck-and-partying? Anything else part of the normal pattern? Speaker gifts? Honorary membership in the local Ericson group? ...?


Advanced Beginner
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Do we have any sort of headcount (#of boats planning to attend, # of people coming, whatever)?

Need to start planning how much scotch to bring - given my cooking non-skills, that might be my best contribution to the pot-luck <grin>​

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Do we have any sort of headcount (#of boats planning to attend, # of people coming, whatever)?

Need to start planning how much scotch to bring - given my cooking non-skills, that might be my best contribution to the pot-luck <grin>​

From the info in reply 15, 12 boats. I know of one Portland area couple planning to drive up, and it looks like Walt and Marta are driving in.
Perhaps around 28 to 30 people. Others will arrive unexpectedly, and a few will always cancel at the last minute.


Junior Member
First Rendezvous

Learned about it as we pulled out of Everett Marina yesterday thanks to a fellow Ericson owner (sorry didn't catch the boat name, but thank you). I requested a slip in Langley this morning for "Makani" so I hope to get in. Have never been to a rendezvous before but in reading the posts I now have a good idea of what the goings on are. Wife can't make it so I'll have to ask a buddy along otherwise it'll just be myself and Karl the dog. "Makani" just got a fresh bottom, new stripes and a buff over Memorial Day weekend so she looks a whole lot better than she did and I guess she now can be seen in public. ;)

Looking forward to it!
Doug Sherman


Member III
Ava and I, and probably a few friends will be there on Cinderella. Langley has a really nice town a short walk from the marina. It's been a couple years, but I stopped in on my way north to the San Juans once before. We will hopefully be down with the project list by then and be in full cruise mode! (though I doubt it....)\



Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Cool! Let's kick this around here for a few days and see if we can land on a topic, and then I'll reach back to Vince.

Looping back on this... any input/consensus on what the group would like as a presentation topic?

We can just let Vince pick a topic, but... he's a Kiwi and a sailor, so if he gets started telling stories he may never stop (grin)


Member III
Update on the Event

I believe there are around 15 boats signed up for the event so far. I contacted 4 boats at Elliot Bay and have a few around Everett I will be reaching out to . Loren offered to get it into 48 North and I should have taken him up on his offer....this is the 3rd week of business travel in as many weeks and it will finish off with 4.5 out of 5 weeks on the road ( and I DON'T like to travel during prime sailing season.

I would encourage any guitar players to reach out to me privately. As of now, it looks like I have a friend from Montreal and possibly another from Vancouver coming down to provide some musical entertainment. If anyone wants to get in on it..reach out directly. I am hoping we finish with ~20 boats since I know a few folks who have expressed interest but have yet to sign up.

As for any presentations....I think anything sailing related is fair game. Coming down from Anacortes is about an hour drive...maybe a little longer.

Shaun (at the airport in Tampa heading home)

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Not going to make it

We've been working hard to put Luffalee back together but I think we're going to come up a little short to make this year's rendez vous. We might try to make a ferry trip to catch some of the fun. I'll free up the slip this afternoon.


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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Another slip cancellation (Darn!)

We have also had to make a last minute decision.
In the last couple of weeks our boat has announced that its Universal diesel engine wiring harness is losing interest in sending full voltage to the engine panel. I am running it now with a jumper wire/fuse/switch from the main bank to the electric lift pump.

The original equipment harness is showing almost a 10 degree temp.(measured with an infrared spot reader) rise at the location of each of those old (buried) "trailer connectors". It's time to re-wire. That's too much "DC resistance heating".

While nothing is beyond being slightly "warm to the touch", it would be unwise to head offshore for a two day trip up the to Straits.
An electrician friend sez he agrees with me and likes to be conservative about this stuff because the threat of a fire at sea is scarier than flooding... and he used to routinely rescue people when he did SAR for the Coast Guard.

I will research finding a B&B or motel in the Langley area, but this time of year that might be asking too much.


ps: Trickdhat, are you vacuum bagging the overhead? Impressive!
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Junior Member
PNW Rendezvous

We just reserved a slip and are planning to come on Rusalka, our E30+. This will be our first Rendezvous and we’re looking forward to meeting everyone!

- Hilda and David


Advanced Beginner
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Looping back

Okay... I'm going to talk to Vince (sailmaker) later today.

It sounds like the group would be generally amenable to having a speaker. on Saturday afternoon/early evening.

I'm going to pass along to him that it looks like we'll be ~15 boats and ~30 people, and let him make the call about whether it makes sense for him to invest the time.

Let me know by 3-ish if I should revise my thinking before I talk to him?



Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Sad news - speaker has a conflict

I talked to my sailmaker today, he has to send his regrets. He's helping work up a boat for the 6-meter worlds in vancouver, and they've scheduled a practice session for this weekend.

So it looks like we won't have a speaker....




Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
Almost ready to ron-day-voo!

Murphy being alive and well, I seem to be in the market for a new battery charger.

Plus a few "urgent" con-calls that seem to have ignored the fact that I'm out-of-office today.

Should have it sorted by mid-afternoon, looking forward to being on the water and on the way.



Member III
Langley Plans for Tomorrow

Sorry for the late update, but it looks like we will have around 15 boats. A few tried to make reservations too late and couldn’t get spots. I will have a boat rafted up next to me most of Saturday, but a late arriver can spend Sat night there if needed. The agenda is simple.

11: AM-1 PM Meet and Great-Check out other boats
2PM-4 PM Sail off Langley for those who want to. Winds are predicted at 7-10 knots…perfect!
5PM—6:30 Pot Luck and Cocktail Hour

They have picnic tables on the dock and two bbq’s on the beach.

If anyone has any questions, text me at 28O 6345 (425)

S/V Sorcerer