Great- a post on the E33!!
This is Bill Baum. We have E33 #5, just second owner, and have owned it for 20 years. Fractional rig, Schaefer spar. The boat came with the running backstays, but the previous owner said he never used them, and we never have (tangs are still on the stern). We raced the boat in a spinnaker fleet pretty hard for 12 years, flew the chute up to 30 knots, and never had a problem. Have now cruised the boat from Lake Ontario to Grenada in the Southern Caribbean and back, and no concerns in seas up to 10 feet. The boat started with all rod rigging, but the backstay has been changed to wire. We just finished our most recent inspection of all rod heads and they look fine. The boat still has the original backstay mechanical purchase, all exterior to the hull, I think 30:1 with the three cascades. (the backstay is shortened about 6" when I pull in 15' of line). It would be nice to have independent control of headstay tension to flatten the headsail, but the complexity of the running backstays are too much for me...
In the photo under the cockpit - the large angle brackets are the original quadrant rudder stops. The quadrant has a sturdy round fitting that descends below the quadrant, and the round fitting hits these tops and prevents over-rotation of the rudder. The boat either had a wheel originally or was built with that assumption.
Some may know that we have had the mast step collapsing on out boat. I've got another thread on that project and the good news is that the repair is almost complete. I will update that other thread soon. The short story is that there is a massive hardwood timber within the rib the mast step sits on and if water gets to it and it rots the wood the fiberglass alone may not hold up. We have gone with an "all plastic" repair, guided by the Naval Architect who worked at Ericson when the boat was built. I will update that thread soon....
I think it's great to find more of the E33 owners. I will watch for any private messages - I have benefited from contacting others in the past.