On our 32-3 We just completed a rigging inspection, and discussed area where the mast penetrates the deck. I've been tracking some of these EY conversations regarding:
Mast Boots
Mast Partners
Mast Collars
Mast Ring
Mast Wedges (a type of mast chock)
Mast Chocks (a device, block or wedge or Spartite to secure (mast) in place)
and material called, Spartite, which acts like a solidifying mast wedge.
And, there has been crossover conversations regarding the purpose of each.
Additionally, there are sequencing conversations.
Finally, also a discussion regarding whether Spartite may be reused after un/stepping the mast. Many here seem to step/unstep more often than others, of course.
Regarding Spartite...and this thread:
@Grizz (last seen in 2022) describes using it here:
@Nick J seems also comfortable using it:
@u079721 Steve, who seems to un/step annually and moves the Spartite ring back into place writes, "the Spartite ring around my mast did NOT keep the water out. .... worth doing - I just don't think it will solve both problems." (i.e. supporting/securing the mast as it passes through deck collar/partners and keeping water out, which is really the job of a well-constructed/positioned Mast Boot.)
Oh...I wished to add this tidbit found on a rigger's site regarding the sequencing of establishing mast wedges and how-to:
https://www.dedekam.com/rdetail5.html (illustration uploaded). "
Always insert the aft wedge first. Then rig a rope 20 - 24" (50 - 60 cm) above deck level to the sheet winches (fig.10) to compress the aft wedge so the forward wedge can be inserted. A lubricant such as washing up liquid will make the job easier."
Our conundrum:
Reuse the EXISTING Spartite solidified and loose wedge-like material?
Once the rig is tuned, which is needed, use a NEW Spartite kit?
Make Wood (or alternate material) wedges? .... and if so, anyone have some experience making with pics/sizes/#s?
Pics of our situation.