Fuel tank pull on E33RH

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Arghhh. Red diesel coming from somewhere.

In my case, it was the short return lines between the injectors. One of them had split invisibly, and was throwing an ultra-fine mist which, when it turned into a visible drip elsewhere, was just about impossible to source by the usual assumptions of cause and effect.

Check the lines, yeah. Probably that's all it is.

Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
Not trying to talk you out if the Jamesons, but.....check every fitting and hose you replaced when re-installing the tank. Wrap bits of paper towel or absorbent wipes around each fitting.

All fittings & hoses are suspect, but if the leak were on the suction side (leading to the fuel pump), you'd likely be getting air in your injectors. So, focus on the pressurized side & return lines.


Sustaining Member
Not trying to talk you out if the Jamesons, but.....check every fitting and hose you replaced when re-installing the tank. Wrap bits of paper towel or absorbent wipes around each fitting.

All fittings & hoses are suspect, but if the leak were on the suction side (leading to the fuel pump), you'd likely be getting air in your injectors. So, focus on the pressurized side & return lines.
Boat has been sitting for 3-4 days and no fuel in the bilge. I will be checking all the lines , especially the return. Another thought is that there could be a leak at the deck fitting where I poured 5 gal fuel in through a funnel . Unfortunately no access to underside to check . There is no fuel on the filler hose further down. I had to splice a new filler hose but it’s all double clamped and I checked for leaks .