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2007 NW Ericson Rendezvous - Discussion

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Member III

Thanks for your endeavors Shaun, Jessie and I will be there With Mischief :devil: Maker, our 38.See you all there, Harold.


Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
We're going to try again this year. Enjoyed Sidney last summer in July for a couple nights and were sorry we missed the Rendezvous. June is a little early for us to cruise, even though the days are longer, so a later date would satisfy us also, at least for the Canadian years.

Looking forward to seeing the crowd again. Thanks for all your efforts, Shaun.

Best regards,

Richard Elliott

Member III

I didn't realize that the campaign to move the date away from Father's Day weekend failed. Karen and I will be very sorry to miss the Rendezvous. E34 Chandelle.


Member III
Hi folks, any new info on how the P.T. docks are progressing? Are we firm for June 17 at P.T.? I need to start making plans soon. Don't know whether to take off 2 weeks or 3. The Chocolate Lady (Jessie) was asking, so like a true male, I blamed someone else.Harold and Jessie, S/V Mischief :devil: Maker

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
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Hudson Pt Marina progress

"Very Unofficial Update"
Since I have friends actually asking me about crewing for "going north", as recently as yesterday, I decided to chance a call to the Pt Townsend Marina folks this morning. Down here in Portland, it is a (mini) ocean voyage to go up to Puget Sound for cruising and to visit the Ericson Rendezvous.
Nice lady answered and when I asked about how things were progressing on the Hudson Point rebuild, she patched me through to the port manager/director. I did not take good notes, but believe it was a (very helpful) guy named Bruce. (I should have taken better notes... sigh...)

Anyhoooo... They are on schedule as far as Federal restrictions go on in-water construction, and all piling are in. Ramps are in. Dock finishing work is progressing, as we speak. Wire is being pulled, etc. etc.

Since I expressed a desire to spend several days at those docks in mid-June, he said to check with them in mid-April for more of a final work progress update, While no one will officially go on record to say so, they are still on track for a "mid June" opening!
He understands that us Portlanders do need to plan ahead for a trip up to his port city, having to go by sea, great salty mariners that we is.

We both lamented the failure of the once-proposed (1800's) barge canal project that was to link the lower end of Hood Canal to the Columbia River. :p

It does look like our Ericson Renvezvous will happen, and we may well be the first group to use the new docks. BTW, the new docks are wood surfaced, in keeping with the "historic" character of the Pt Townsend waterfront.

I guess a little uncertainty about our future is what keeps us going each day...
and reading the Obits each morning...

Note to Harold and Jessie, one way or the other, we ARE going to enjoy a drink of the amazing apple-pie-in-a-bottle! :devil:

Loren in Portland, OR
Olson 34 Fresh Air
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Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator

It's looking good for Port Townsend for June 15th~17th. I tried to move it a week out, but it is already committed to by 2 yacht clubs. July is an option, but that tends to be too far out.

Forgive me for asking this Shaun - but the quote above suggests that they have been taking reservations - is this correct, or were you referring to the PT Boat Haven and not Pt. Hudson?


It feels sort of like that song, "...it's later than it seems...", you know?



Member III

They have an official list that has us down for the 16~18, but won't take official reservations until March 16th per my previous conversation with them as well as the one I just had (just got off the phone with Rhonda). We have the date reserved so no one will bump us, but their official reservation book won't be opened up until next week. Right now, all things look good but they obtained a 30 day extension to continue driving pilings which terminates next Friday. At that point, all "in water" work will cease so it is possible half the marina will be closed hence their desire to delay reservations.

Hang tight until next week for the official word.



Member III
Need visibility on who is planning on attending the R.V.

If you haven't already used to poll regarding attendance at Port Hudson, please do so. Some folks have responded to the list but not used the poll so it looks like 9 attendees at this point. I counted more emails so I need to provide an approximate number to the marina next week so it is critical that you vote. We will have to make a down payment which is predicated on how many boats will be attending, SO THIS IS CRITICAL.

Please take the time to vote so I can use this data when I call Port Townsend next week. The link is http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/showthread.php?t=4447



Richard Elliott

Member III

Anyone heading into the South Sound (Olympia area) after the Rendezvous? We are very familiar with the marine parks, moorage, facilities,etc. in the area. We are unable to attend the Rendezvous
but are available for cruising afterwards.


Member II

The deadline for entries into Pacific Yachting’s calendar of events for the May 2007 issue is TOMORROW.

To be included, please send via email the following information (in the following format; please do not use brackets):

DATE [e.g. May 10-12, 1007]
LOCATION [e.g. Telegraph Harbour, Thetis Island]
CONTACT INFO [e.g. Contact: 604-678-2588, assistanteditor@pacificyachting.com]
WEBSITE [e.g. www.pacificyachting.com]

If possible, please do not send attachments; simply place text in the body of an email.

If you cannot make the March 14 deadline, please send information as soon as possible.

Also, don’t forget to take lots of HIGH RESOLUTION digital photos at your rendezvous. After the event, please send me high resolution images via email along with a short write-up of the event’s highlights (or a funny story!).

Thanks so much!

I hope to hear from each of you soon.

All the best,

Hilary Henegar
Assistant Editor
Pacific Yachting
1080 Howe St., Ste. 900
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2T1

604.606.4644 ext 119
604.678.2588 direct
604.687.1925 fax


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
The deadline for entries into Pacific Yachting’s calendar of events for the May 2007 issue is TOMORROW.


Who has this - Shaun? If so, please confirm, otherwise, I'll take a run at it in the morning...



Member II
info to send

HI Sean

It was sent to me, I am wondering if a date and location has been set?

Stuart MacKenzie
SV Fairhaven
Vancouver BC (for now)


Member II
not much about the rendezvous

Hi All

To add a little to Shaun’s prior post, about why I have not been active with this years rendezvous. Heather and I have had a busy and fun year since Sidney, as probably most have had. This spring is a particular whirlwind of activity as we have sold our house in North Vancouver and have purchased a new house on Vancouver Island, downsizing and going to a less populated area has enabled us to purchase on the ocean, we move April 12. Some of you know I have a bit of a cabinet shop, moving this makes moving the house a walk in the park. But at last, all is almost packed and the 45’ transport arrives on the 21st to start a two day process of loading and moving to Comox, then to unload, yea!! Heather is also doing well with the house. After we move we are leaving on sailing holiday and will not be returning until June, making it somewhat difficult to organize T shirts, moorage and the other entire goings on at the rendezvous. Shaun Wurzner has kindly offered to organize this year’s festivity, and obviously has a few road blocks with the marina location etc. We do hope to attend the rendezvous, no matter where it is held but we might show up in the land yacht as I don’t think we will have time to sail down after we return from our sailing trip, Heather will probably still be in need of much hot water after being on limited rations for six weeks, so a hotel might be more fitting.
Our new place is located at 57 Jane Place, Comox BC and can be seen on Google Earth, although they don’t point at our house, move the curser to 49-40’-11.00 N / 124-55’-21.66 W and that is the cabin. If sailing in the area we are about a 10 min walk to the marina and several great pups. Of course there is always our front deck so be sure to stop in and say hi and perhaps hang out for a bit. Living on the ocean will probably be an adjustment period for us so we will probably be the only house with an anchor set in the front yard and secured to the house, old habits.
So those of you heading north stop in for a visit, a beer or two………….:egrin:


Member III
I sent them the information they needed last night and she responded back that it had been received. We will also be in 48North next month.



Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Pt. Hudson Update - 3/27/07

I just talked to Chris (Wenger?) at Point Hudson this morning and they are not taking reservations yet and he couldn't tell me when they would be able to. They are still projecting a mid-June opening but he hasn't received word of an official opening date. So, for now, no reservations are being taken and we need to keep checking ... He acknowledged that we are on the list for our Rendezvous, but couldn't offer anything more positive right now.



Member III
Craig and All,

I've actually been in contact with them weekly, if not every other week. They plan on confirmin reservations by next Wednesday. All the docks are in, the only issue is electrical work and shoreside work...nothing related to floats, pilings, etc. I would say things look good, but we will find out next week. Port Ludlow is a backup plan if things fall through, but there is not as much to do and no town around...but excellent golfing and the rooms can be had for $120 (at least that was the price last weekend).

After looking at the travel times to Bellingham, it doesn't make sense. I believe the intent is to lessen the travel time alternately each year for the US and Canadian Participants. Bellingham is as far or further away than Victoria, so it doesn't benefit the folks coming up from the south.

I also spoke with the port of Victoria and they had moorage available, but that was about a month ago.

Based on the fact that it only 8 boats have responded that they will attend, regrettably, it looks like it will be a smaller group this year and finding moorage won't be as big a challenge. Hopefully, more folks will show up than those who have used the poll, but certainly not the quantity we've had in the past which is very regrettable.

Both Victoria and Port Ludlow felt they could keep us together.

I'll put another posting up next week, but that is where things stand at the moment. IF YOU HAVE NOT USED THE POLL, PLEASE DO SO SO I CAN PLAN ACCORDINGLY.



Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Better news

Thanks for the detailed update, Shaun. I was calling from work and did not have time to get any details. I was calling to reserve a slip and was perplexed when he wouldn't commit to a date to take reservations. We'll continue to check the board.

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